Abilities are generally supernatural(Su) or extraordinary(Ex) tools a character
has. Oftentimes they bring something completely new to the table that isn't
available as a spell or feat. Oftentimes they follow a theme with several
iterations on the same ability.
If an ability requires concentration treat it as a 5th level spell for purposes of
calculating the concentration DC.
Difficulty Check (DC)
Some abilities require a target make a save, and for that there will be a difficulty
check. These come in two flavors. Mental based(Su) and Constitution based(Ex).
They are often calculated as 10 + 1/2 HD + primary mental modifier or 10 + 1/2
HD + constitution modifier respectively.
Dispel Magic
Any ability that is a Supernatural ability(Su) or a Spell-Like ability (Sp) can be
dispelled. Supernatural abilities are considered spell level 6 for dispel magic rolls
and Spell-Like abilities use the respective spell level of the spell being mimicked.
Extraordinary Ability (Ex)
These are abilities that typically rely on physical attributes and are more
mundane in their presentation. These are never subject to dispel magic or spell
Hit Die (HD)
Your character's level after any level adjustments.
Iterative Growth
When a higher form of an ability is taken it replaces the previous ability. For
example Improved Breath Weapon replaces Breath Weapon.
There are prerequisites for these, the ability score requirements are a hard
prerequisite. However, other prerequisites can be overridden with sufficient
integration with the character's back story.
Spell-Like Abilities
These are abilities that mimic spells from the spelladex. The difference is that they always use HD in place of CL for spell functions and features.
Spell Proficiency
Spell proficiency is added to Spells, Spell-Like abilities(Sp), Supernatural
abilities(Su) DC's, as well as any non-touch attack roll. It is also applied as a flat
bonus for each damage/healing/warding dice for Spells, Spell-like abilities(Sp),
or Supernatural Abilities(Su). For example, if a character has a spell that deals
5d6 damage and has a Casting Proficiency of 2 it will be 5d6+10 damage.
Spell Resistance
If an ability is subject to spell resistance your HD is your effective caster level.
Note that spell penetration does not benefit abilities.
Super Natural Ability (Su)
These are abilities that typically rely on mental attributes and are more magical in their presentation. They are subject to dispel magic, and sometimes spell resistance. When rolling against a counterspell, dispel, or any similar effect, a supernatural ability is considered to be spell level 6, as a result get a +4 to the roll.
- Ally Shielding: Grant warding to allies.
- Animal Companion: Gain a companion of the Animal monster definition.
- Anthem: Grant bonuses against compulsions and some warding with a song.
- Apotheosis: Take massive damage per round and gain huge benefits, when at low health.
- Arcane Blast: Gain powerful ranged ability that gains benefits from sacrificing spell slots.
- Aura, Lesser: Gain a persistent aura that augments ally capabilities.
- Aura, Improved: Increases the benefits of being inside the Aura, as well as its range.
- Aura, Greater: Further improves the benefits of being inside the Aura.
- Baffle with Bullshit: Instill a morale penalty to attack and damage on foes, and potentially leave them stunned and stifled.
- Breaker: Use focus points to injure an opponent.
- Breath Weapon, Lesser: Gain a line or conical breath weapon to inflict conditions or deal damage.
- Breather Weapon, Improved: Breath Weapon is larger and does more damage.
- Breath Weapon, Greater: Breath weapon becomes yet larger and stronger.
- Brier Patch: Create an area that deals damage if moved through.
- Cloud of Uncertainty: Move in a non-linear fashion, attack all targets within the area, and other unique effects.
- Cloud of Uncertainty, Greater: Gain more positional, dispersing, and movement options.
- Control Undead: Gain the ability to seize control of undead around your character.
- Crescendo: Deal sonic damage to three targets while performing a song.
- Crusher Strike: Make a melee touch attack to get critical threat and potentially break bones.
- Dancing Stars: Create stars that can ward or deal damage.
- Deadly Assault: Gain extra attacks in a full round action.
- Dirge: Play a sorrowful song to hamper the abilities of nearby foes.
- Divine Smite: Channel divine energy for a burst of damage and resistances.
- Dragon's Pressure: Fly or push enemies with sprouted wings.
- Endure: Apply a selected amount of damage reduction to your character based on desired duration.
- Energy Charge: Become charged with energy and gain bonuses as a result.
- Energy Echo: Place a mark on a target which explodes after a brief period, deal energy damage.
- Energy Crescents: Create lashes of energy that damage foes along a line.
- Energy Veil: Veil oneself with energy to gain resistances.
- Envenomate: Use natural weapon to deal ability damage.
- Ephemeral Weapon, Lesser: Summon an enhanced weapon.
- Ephemeral Weapon, Improved: Summoned weapon gains more enhancement and imbuements.
- Ephemeral Weapon, Greater: Summoned weapon gains special attacks.
- Étude: Grant sonic damage and an accumulating one time morale bonus to at least one ally.
- Fake it 'til you make it: Gain a luck bonus after failing on rolls, so long as a bad excuse is made.
- Familiar: Gain a small, or smaller, magic imbued companion.
- Fay Space: Your character has access to a personal extra-dimensional pocket.
- Flip Trick: Gain immunity to flanking, attack of opportunities, and flat-footed. Also gain +5 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex Save.
- Focus: Sacrifice multiple attacks, for a single, reliable, attack.
- Forms of the Recondite: Gain bonuses to martial combat based on spell level sacrificed and form selected.
- Advanced Forms of the Recondite: Gain four new forms that offer greater flexibility in combat situations.
- General Knowledge: Your character has useful tidbits of information on all subjects.
- Grace: Your character gains Grace points that can be used to avoid damage.
- Gravity Oppression : Increase gravity in a selected area, applies movement penalties to all caught within.
- Gravity Oppression, Improved: Crush an opponent within the area of gravity oppression.
- Gravity Oppression, Greater: Gain further bonuses to gravity oppression.
- Gumption: Gain constitution modifier as bonus to advanced combat maneuvers or re-roll a failed fortitude save.
- Hail of Arrows: Strike multiple targets with your ranged weapon in a single attack.
- Hamstring: Injure your target to cripple their mobility.
- Improvised Arcane Device: Sacrifice spell slots to create useful grenades, traps, etc...
- Improvised Arcane Device, Improved: Increases damage/healing dice and duration of IADs for the spell slots sacrificed.
- Inspire Perfection: Give a subject 3 perfect rolls of their choosing to use within 24 hours.
- Je ne Sais Quoi: Gain that something special, that disarms others and makes them less likely to be hostile.
- Juggernaut: Move as an unstoppable object and shove or trample foes in your way.
- Key Insight: Make a knowledge check, on success disadvantage your foes.
- Lay on Hands: Gain a pool of healing/damage to use on touch.
- Leaping Assault: Make a large jump in a straight line and deal extra damage with a physical attack.
- Magic Capacitor: Sacrifice spell slots to recharge magical items.
- Monstrous Bite: As a swift action, bite a foe within melee range.
- Natural Magic: Gain a spell of 5th level or lower as a Super Natural (Su) ability.
- On My Mark: Give adjacent allies an immediate move or standard action.
- Opportunist, Lesser: Gain extra damage dice against disadvantaged foes, limit +3d6.
- Opportunist, Improved: The damage limit is increased to +6d6.
- Opportunist, Greater: The damage limit is removed.
- Panache: Use charisma modifier either offensively or defensively whilst making clever remarks.
- Penetrating Blow: Sacrifice multiple attacks to bypass a large amount of damage reduction and/or hardness.
- Perfect Counter: Gain attacks against those who attack you.
- Personal Construct: Build a construct that assists you in tasks the construct is designed for.
- Petal Shroud, Lesser: Gain AC bonuses and whip attacks based in your PMA instead of Dexterity or Strength.
- Petal Shroud, Improved: Shroud gains cover from ranged, fast healing, and improves the vine whips.
- Petal Shroud, Greater: Improves all aspect of Petal Shroud.
- Phoenix, Shroud of the: Gain an energy aura that deals damage to nearby enemies and offers small defenses to allies.
- Phoenix, Flight of the: Gain 60 ft. (Perfect) fly speed from energy wings.
- Phoenix, Quills of the: Gain ranged touch attacks with explosive quills.
- Phoenix, Fall of the: Detonate self to heal allies and damage foe. Get reborn from resulting ashes.
- Piercer: As a standard action deal maximum damage with a piercing weapon, ignore some DR.
- Poultice of Pain: As a swift action, induce pain on a target that deals non-lethal damage and may make the target lose their standard action.
- Poultice of Sluggishness: As a s swift action, attempt to reduce a target's movements, Reflex Saves, AC, Attack, and Damage.
- Rage: Gain attack and damage bonuses. Cast spells have a higher DC. Fatigue and AC penalties.
- Rage, Greater: Bonuses are improved, gain temporary HP, all spells are bolstered, cast spells at 2 CL higher for duration.
- Rage, Intensified: All effects are further amplified, first spell cast is perfected.
- Rebuke Undead: Suppress undead with a pulse of divine power.
- Riposte: Gain immediate attack against an attacker that misses your character.
- Scourge: Deal self-damage to gain benefits for a brief time.
- Shadow Blast: Blast a foe with shadow dealing non-lethal damage.
- Shadow Clasp: Hamper a foes movement and deal damage to them.
- Shadow Fade: Gain passive conceal based on your HD, move quickly, set up for a stun.
- Shard of Void, Lesser: Summon a movable Shard that requires concentration. Deals entropic damage.
- Shard of Void, Improved: Improves damage of the shard.
- Shard of Void, Greater: Removes concentration requirements, moving the shard becomes a free action.
- Shattering Feedback: Upgrade to endure, mitigated damage will deal damage to the weapons that have struck your character.
- Shrill Chord: Interrupt a caster's spell with a dissonant chord.
- Sliding Scourge: Slide forward and attack all enemies within 5 ft. of the slide.
- Spell Theft: Absorb directed spells your character has saved against. Recast them at using the original caster's stats.
- Spell Thrower: Obtain and use an object or piece of magical technology to do different things.
- Spirit Form: Transform into another type of creature, gain some abilities of that form while retaining your character's mental attributes.
- Static Cling: Designate two targets, they take increasing damage the farther they are apart.
- Suppression Field, Lesser: Apply penalties to all enemies within the area.
- Suppression Field, Improved: Improves penalties of the suppression field.
- Suppression Field, Greater: Further improves the penalties of the suppression field.
- Sympathetic Wave: Turn non-lethal damage against enemies or use it to heal allies.
- Taunting Challenge: Demand for target you, or suffer penalties.
- Telekinetics, Lesser: Gain basic telekinetic abilities.
- Telekinetics, Improved: Telekinetics become more capable.
- Telekinetics, Greater: Telekinetics become supremely capable.
- Thurible: Give allies various immediate use boons based on aromatic used.
- Tincture of Gumption: Apply bonuses to self or others that increases the defense of the target.
- Tincture of Vigor: Apply bonuses to self or others that increase physical combat.
- Twin Talon: Dual melee strike can wound a foe.
- Unleash: Give Construct, Animal Companion, or Familiar combat bonuses.
- Valour, Lesser: Gain bonuses while engaged with multiple foes. Gain temporary HP felling foes while in this situation.
- Valour, Improved: Bonuses are increased, get attacks of opportunity against foes using opportunist on your character, casting spells no longer provokes attacks of opportunity.
- Valour, Greater: Bonuses are further increased, temporary HP is also gained when opportunist attacker misses.
- Warm Tonic: During a song ability, alleviate some allies of conditions and provide a moderate amount of healing.
- Were-Transformation: Lycanthropic abilities are gained, chances to act randomly.
- Wind Slash: Deal damage to enemies in a line with a slashing weapon.