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Baffle with Bullshit (Ex)

Prerequisite: Panache
Use: 1 Panache point
Range: Personal
Action: Standard
Target: Any creature within ear-shot that understands the target
Duration: 1 round per CL; see text
Saving Throw: Will; partial
DC: Charisma based
Spell Resistance: No
Special: Gain 1 bonus panache point

Distract foes with a nonsense speech. While active a round must be spent saying something inane, confusing, or criminally false. Enemies will suffer a -1 + -1 per 4 CL morale penalty to attack and damage rolls. If a creature fails the will save they will also become stunned for 1 round, and stifled for another 2. Each round the speech must continue or the effect ends.

VTT Description Macro:
@{character_name} spins up quite an impromtu speech of dubious merit. Each round @{character_name} must continue their speech or the effect will end. Creatures that can hear it suffer a -[[1+floor@{hd}/4)]] morale penalty to attack and damage rolls. If a creature fails their save they will end up [_stunned_]( for 1 round and [_stifled_]( for another two.