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Armor/Shield Enhancement

Armor enhancement is a bonus that increases the armor's hardness, hit points, and armor enhancement bonus. The price of this is determined by squaring the bonus and multiplying by two hundred. (Bonus2 x 200) To a limit of +5.

Cost in Gold Enhancement Modifier
200 +1
800 +2
1,800 +3
3,200 +4
5,000 +5

Minor Imbuements, Armor

Imbuement Cost (gp)
Comfortable 50
Enduring 65
Weather Proof 85
Weather Proof: Temperatures ranging from -50 C to 50 C are now comfortable in this armor, making said temperatures safe and non-exhausting.

Enduring: Long marches are easier and the wearer can long travel twice as far before resting.

Comfortable: Sleeping in this armor does not incur penalties.

Lesser Imbuements, Armor

Lesser Imbuement Cost (gp)
Articulated 250
Mobile 250
Forming 300
Energy Resistant 350
Buoyant 500
Chameleon 500
Padded 500
Slick 500
Rushings 650
Weighteds 650
Mitigating, Minor 700
s Applies to shields only
Articulated: This increases the maximum dexterity of an armor by 1.

Buoyant: Gain +5 to enhancement bonus to swim. So long as your character is in a medium load or less you also ignore weight penalties while swimming. These benefits only apply when the armor is worn.

Chameleon: Gain +5 enhancement bonus to conceal while wearing this armor. With this armor it is no longer required to have hiding spots to use the hide skill.

Energy Resistant: Gain 10 Energy Resistance with one of the specified types, Heat, Cold, Electrical, Acid, and Sonic.

Forming: Armor instantly dons or doffs as a move action. Armor is stored in a dimensional pocket that stays with the player.

Mitigating: The masterwork damage reduction of the base armor becomes /- if it was not before and is increased by 1. This does not stack with the moderate or greater versions of mitigating.

Mobile: The armor check penalty, if the armor has one, is reduced by 2 and any movement penalty is reduced by 10 ft.

Padded: Gain a +5 enhancement bonus to move silently while wearing this armor.

Rushings: During shoves you count as one category size larger for attacks and defenses.

Slick: Gain a +5 enhancement bonus to escape artist while wearing this armor.

Weighteds: During tramples you count as one category size larger for attacks and defenses.

Moderate Imbuements, Armor

Moderate Imbuement Cost (gp)
Called 2,250
Deceptive 850
Reinforced 2,000
Accelerated 2,500
Mitigating, Moderate 3,000
Accelerated: Gain a +10 ft. enhancement bonus to ground speed while wearing this armor.

Deceptive: Armor can appear as any, or no, clothing as a standard action. The armor will remain this way until another standard action is spent to change it again. This allows viewers a Spot DC. The DC is 10 + total Disguise bonus for the bearer. Armor can be felt even if the spot check is failed.

Mitigating: The masterwork damage reduction of the base armor becomes /- if it was not before and is increased by 4. This does not stack with the lesser or greater versions of mitigating.

Reinforced: This armor grants a +4 fortification bonus to AC against critical confirmation rolls. Sneak Attacks also do half damage while wearing this armor.

Greater Imbuements, Armor

Greater Imbuement Cost (gp)
Fortified 4,800
Mitigating, Greater 4,500
Universally Resistant, Moderate 5,000
Fortified: Magic and metal is used to sure up all the vulnerable spots within the armor. While wearing this armor, opportunist bonus damage does not apply.

Mitigating: The masterwork damage reduction of the base armor becomes /- if it was not before and is increased by 7. This does not stack with the moderate or greater versions of mitigating.

Universally Resistance, Moderate: This armor, once per round, change to the first energy type the wearer and prevent 25 damage that energy type. If a different energy type of damage is done to the wearer during the same round as another, it only works on the first energy type that the wearer was hit with. This armor cannot reduce entropic damage.