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Improvised Arcane Device, Advanced (Su)

Prerequisite: HD 10, Ability to cast arcane spells. Improvised arcane device, ability to cast 5th level spells.

Use: See Text
Action: 1 minute to an hour; see text
Target: See Text
Duration: See Text
Saving Throw: PMA Based [[10+@{PMA}+@{SpellProf}+?{Total Spell Level Used}]]
Spell Resistance: Yes

This functions as Improvised Arcane Device except the dice per spell level used is double. So instead of a level 3 spell making a device that does 3d6 damage, it will instead do 6d6 damage. There are also two new effects available.

Effect Types:
Slow: Slows all creatures within 15 ft. for one round per level sacrificed

Invisibility: Renders all creatures within 15 ft. invisible for one round per level sacrificed; note direct offensive actions taken, will end invisibility.

VTT Number of Dice:
[[2*(?{Spell level used for damage})]]