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Spell Casting


Spells come in three varieties, Arcane, Divine, and Natural. There are also generalist spells which is a list borrowed from all three varieties.

Arcane: Drawing from general magical energy arcane spells tend to be flashy and are derived either from a person's knowledge or a person's gumption. Some see it as a science, others an art. Either way, arcane spells tend to be associated with city-folk and their methods of magic.

Divine: A deity will use a person as a conduit for their bidding, those favored in this manner have access to divine magic; a gift from their god. This does not mean they need to worship a specific god, a sufficiently fervent person can have multiple deities channeling through them, though the person might not realize who's tool they are.

Nature: Those in touch with nature know its ways and its methods and how to use it to an end. Such casters tend to work with the natural world with an empathic understanding of their environment, they are able to shake rocks, control plants, or even become animals themselves.

All of these spells derive their effectiveness from a primary mental attribute, or PMA. This will determine the amount of spells per day, or spell slots, the character has. A minimum PMA of 10 + Spell level is needed to cast levels of that level. For example a 5th level spell would need a 15 PMA.

PMA: Primary Mental Attribute. These are chosen at character creation and are selected from Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. Once selected it cannot be changed. Certain definitions and abilities have specific PMA requirements.

PMA mod: This is the modifier from your primary mental attribute

Components[M]: Spell components come in a lot of varieties and are consumed on the use of the spell. Most are very inexpensive and can be assumed purchased when, 'refilling your spell component pouch.' Any component that costs 1 GP or more must be specifically purchased and held within your inventory.

Focus[F]: A focus is an object, sometimes required by spells, that helps the caster user their spells. If a focus has 10x the value of a material component, the spell can be cast without the material component. Focuses tend to be staves, orbs, wands, holy symbol, crystals, or anything that is thematic to the caster. A focus must be held in the off-hand or primary hand to be used.

Somatic[S]: Most spells have somatic components, which require hand, body, or other kinds of motions. If restricted spells that require somatic components cannot be cast.

Verbal[V]: Most spells have verbal components. These are incantations, holy recitations, or other thematic vocalizations. If silenced in anyway spells that requite verbal components cannot be cast.

Damage/Healing: A lot of spells deal damage and any spell that has a damage or healing roll involved also ads the PMA modifier at the end.

Casting a Spell: Casting a spell is relatively simple your character takes the appropriate actions; immediate, swift, standard, or full-round action and the target of their spell makes a save. It is also possible an attack roll is made for a spell, if so, follow the kind of attack required. Please note a full-round spell finishes at the beginning of the cater's next turn.

Spell Resistance: Spell resistance (SR) works like armor class, though it isn’t as easy to obtain. If a spell is subject to spell resistance, and the target has any. Simply roll 1d20 + Caster Level + any other mods you might have to it.

Concentration: Concentration refers to a few different things in spell casting. In general, it’s based on the skill Concentration, which is the ability to hold a spell or cast a spell while adverse things are happening. For example: When you cast a spell it provokes an attack of opportunity from anyone who’s threatened squares the caster is in. If hit from that attack a concentration check will need to be made to see if you can cast the spell. Below are circumstances, and their DC, where concentration checks apply.

Damaged while casting: DC = Damage Dealt

Grappled: DC = 10; opposed grapple needed to even cast

Distracted: DC = 15

Casting Defensively: DC = 10 + Spell Level

Concentrating/Rage: These have their own rules see their entries.

Concentrating: Some spells have a duration labeled as, "Concentration," or “Concentration Max X rounds.” This means you must focus on that spell and cannot cast any other spell or effect that has the duration described as "Concentration." Other standard actions can be taken. If you are struck, grappled, or otherwise distracted while maintaining a concentration spell, you must roll a concentration check.

Metamagic: Metamagic is the magic of altering magic. All spell casters can apply the concept to their spells. They can prepare a lower-level spell into a higher-level spell slot and treat that spell as if it were in the higher-level slot for purposes of calculating the spell's DC. There are also feats that create modifications of this.

Spell Book

Most casters will need a spell book, scroll, or a way of storing spell text. This is because any spell that isn't a known spell has to be prepared at the beginning of the day. A spell book typically costs 10 gp and has 100 pages. A spell takes up as many pages as its spell slot. So a level 1 spell takes up 1 page, while a level 7 spell will take up 7 pages. The only limit to the number of spells a player can have is the number of pages in a spell book, and the amount of spell books they have.

Simplex Spells

All casters get spells they can cast at their whim. These are spells so simple they take little to no energy to use. In essence, they only do one thing and do not do very much damage or healing overall. Most effects are limited, so when creating these bear this in mind.

Simplex spells are divided into Arcane, Divine, Generalist, and Natural and are selectable in accordance with the kind of magic a character can cast. At level up these can always be changed, feats can also be selected to gain further Simplex spells.

In general Basic casters have 2, Standard casters have 3, and Advanced casters have 4.

Be sure to read notes, as some take a long time to cast despite being simple.

All DCs for these spells are 10 + Primary Mental Attribute

See full spell list for full spell information, below are summaries

Advance Simplex Spells

Some definitions allow the use of advanced simplex spells which are more powerful than their standard counterparts. These are typically found in wands, staves, and magical items and not typically learned by people. The DC they have are still calculated like a normal simplex spell.

Energy Strike: Melee touch attacks deal 1d4 + 1d4 per 2 HD energy damage per hit.
Greater Missile Strike: Fire a large magic missile at a single target dealing 1d6 per 2 CL damage Max 5d6; gain a second missile at 15th level.
Greater Magic Shield: As the shield spell but with a +6 to AC.
Minor Figment: As the minor figment spell
Mass Distract: Subjects takes -1 on attack rolls and AC for 1 + 1 per 3 CL.


Arcane Tricks: A general purpose spell that does a large number of trivial things.
Detect Magic: Detect magical auras and if a thing is magical by focusing on it.
Distract: Subject takes -1 on attack rolls and AC for 1 + 1 round per 3 levels.
Energy Bolt: Selected energy type deals 1d4 and +1d4 per 2 CL (Max 5d4) damage.
Free Hand: Invisible hand that can move up to 5 lb of objects, trigger traps, etc... lasts up to 1 minute +1 minute per 2 CL.
Light: Make a touched object glow like a torch for 1 hour per CL.
Resistance: +1 resistance bonus to all saves and +1 per 4 CL.
Thrown Noise: Creates a noise up to 30 feet away. Noise must be generated by the caster.
Far Whisper: Whisper a short conversation at a distance.
Touch of Fatigue: Touch fatigues target for 1 round per CL.


Bless: Increase attack and damage of group members by +1 for round per CL.
Detect Magic: Detect magical auras and if a thing is magical by focusing on it.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Disrupt Undead: Deal 1d6 per 2 CL to undead in 15 ft radius, harmless to living.
Harm: Deal 1d4 per 2 CL negative damage with a touch attack, heals undead.
Light: Make a touched object glow like a torch for 1 hour per CL.
Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 5 cu. ft. of food and/or water.
Resistance: +1 resistance bonus to all saves and +1 per 4 CL.
Tend: Heals target when used, see text as situation affects the outcome.
Touch of Fatigue: Touch fatigues target for 1 round per CL


Arcane Tricks: A general purpose spell that does a large number of trivial things.
Bless: Increase attack and damage of group members by +1 for round per CL.
Distract: Subject takes -1 on attack rolls and AC for 1 + 1 round per 3 levels.
Resistance: +1 resistance bonus to all saves and +1 per 4 CL.
Free Hand: Invisible hand that can move up to 5 lb of objects, trigger traps, etc... lasts up to 1 minute +1 minute per 2 CL.
Know Direction: You the cardinal directions.
Light: Make an object glow for 1 hour per CL.
Tend: Heals target when used, see text as situation affects the outcome.
Virtue: Subject gains 2 hp of regenerative warding per HD.


Create Water: Create 2 gallons of water per CL.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Distract: Subject takes -1 on attack rolls and AC for 1 + 1 round per 3 levels.
Know Direction: You the cardinal directions.
Light: Make an object glow for 1 hour per CL.
Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 5 cu. ft. of food and/or water.
Resistance: +1 resistance bonus to all saves and +1 per 4 CL.
Rolling Stone: Thrown stones deal 1d6 per 2 CL of bludgeoning damage as a ranged attack.
Virtue: Subject gains 2 hp of regenerative warding per HD.

Level 1 Spells

Arcane Spells


Arcane Armor: Gain at least +1 armor enhancement bonus for a time.
Minor Energy Warding: Gain small amount of specific energy resistance for a short time.
Shield: Gain +4 Shield Enhancement bonus and some force resistance for a time.


Charm: Targets become friendly and are easier to manipulate, for a time.
Sleep: Put at least 2 HD of creatures to sleep in an area.
Stifle: Subject becomes stifled with emotion, unable to act unless directly threatened.


Conjure Tool: Conjure a temporary mundane tool for a time.
Lesser Orb of Energy: Throw a ball of energy at your foe for at least 1d8 energy damage.


Combat Foresight: Gain at least +1 insight bonus to attack and reflex saves.
Discern Location: With the use of a map, place a magical marker at your current location, it moves with you, for a time.
Identify: Divine the magical properties of all objects in an area.


Darkness: Make area around yourself dark; impenetrable by most light sources.
Energy Spray: 15 ft. cone of at least 1d4 energy damage.
Flash Bang: 15 ft. radius temporary stun and blind.
Lesser Magic Missile: Fire unerring missiles at your foe.
Palm Burst: Melee touch for at least 1d10 energy damage.
Sonic Lance: Deals at least 1d6 sonic damage, temporarily deafens, does extra damage to materials.


Conceal Object: Make large size or smaller object blend into its surroundings for a time.
Minor Figment: With concentration, create a small sized figment that performs dictated actions.
Illusory Disguise: Create an illusory costume that grants bonuses to disguise for a time.
Reflexive Decoy: Create a short lived decoy and get away from danger.
Shadow Shape: Shape shadows around yourself, gain bonuses to conceal skill and partial concealment.
Warped Light: Change the lights around you to create disorienting affects.


Harming Touch: Melee Touch deals 1d8 + 1d8 per HD negative damage to foe.
Soul Bolster: Gain Temporary health based on CL and PMA. Also gain immunity to fear.
Soul Burn: Deal damage to foe based on CL and PMA. Also fear opponent.
Vivum Pulse: Lightning fast spell heals allies in sight and gives a minor fortitude bonus for a round.


Control rope or chain: Makes ropes or chains move and perform simple actions.
Double Time: Gain a 30 ft. bonus to ground speed.
Enhance Weapon: Imbue your weapon with at least +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage for a time.
Mend Repair object touched for at least 1d6.
Slow Fall: Subjects drop slowly for a time.

Divine Spells

Align Weapon: Make your weapon damage holy/unholy.
Calm: Remove fear and protect from fear on a single target.
Close Wound: Heal wounds to prevent long term injuries.
Double Time: Gain a 30 ft. bonus to ground speed.
Enhance Weapon: Imbue your weapon with at least +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage for a time.
Fervor: Gain +1 at least holy/unholy bonus to AC and damage for a time.
Healing Touch: Heal touched ally for 1d8 + 1d8 per CL. No disease chance.
Hustle: Gain 30 ft. of ground movement for a time.
Renew: Cure fatigue, reduce exhaustion, recover 1d4 hp per round in an area.
Shield: Gain +4 Shield Enhancement bonus and some force resistance for a period of time.
Soul Bolster: Gain Temporary health based on CL and PMA. Also gain immunity to fear.
Soul Burn: Deal damage to foe based on CL and PMA. Also fear opponent.
Vivum Pulse: Lightning fast spell heals allies in sight and gives a minor fortitude bonus for a round.

Generalist Spells

Arcane Armor: Gain at least +1 armor enhancement bonus for a time.
Charm: Targets become friendly and are easier to manipulate, for a time.
Combat Foresight: Gain at least +1 insight bonus to attack and reflex saves.
Conjure Tool: Conjure a temporary mundane tool for a time.
Darkness: Make area around yourself dark; impenetrable by most light sources.
Detect Traps: Gain a sixth sense for where traps are, +10 to investigate when involving traps, can find magical traps.
Enhance Weapon: Imbue your weapon with at least +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage for a time.
Double Time: Gain a 30 ft. bonus to ground speed.
Ensnare: Slow or stop movement in an area of at least 5 ft.2 for a short time.
Flash Bang: 15 ft radius temporary stun and blind.
Fox Fire: Fills an area with glowing mushroom spores that reduces their AC and reveals hidden foes.
Healing Touch: Heal touched ally for 1d8 + 1d8 per CL. No disease chance.
Hustle: Gain 30 ft of ground movement for a time.
Illusory Disguise: Create an illusory costume that grants bonuses to disguise for a time.
Lesser Magic Missile: Fire unerring missiles at your foe.
Sleep: Put at least 2 HD of creatures to sleep in an area.
Sonic Lance: Deals at least 1d6 sonic damage, temporarily deafens, does extra damage to materials.

Nature Spells

Animal Tongue: Gain the ability to speak with animals.
Detect Traps: Gain a sixth sense for where traps are, +10 to investigate when involving traps, can find magical traps.
Discern Location: With the use of a map, place a magical marker at your current location, it moves with you, for a time.
Eagle Eyes: Gain at least +2 competency bonus to spot and investigation checks for a time. Also gain temporary range bonus to ranged weapons.
Ensnare: Slow or stop movement in an area of at least 5 ft.2 for a short time.
Fox Fire: Fills an area with glowing mushroom spores that reduces their AC and reveals hidden foes.
Healing Touch: Heal ally touched for 1d8 + 1d8 per CL. No disease chance.
Minor Figment: With concentration, create a small sized figment that performs dictated actions.
Renew: Cure fatigue, reduce exhaustion, recover 1d4 hp per round in an area.
Sharp Sense: Gain insight on foes's relative well-being and strength.
Sleep: Put at least 2 HD of creatures to sleep in an area.
Tough Hide: Creature touched gains at least +1 natural armor enhancement for a time.
Venom Dart: Give target strength and dexterity penalties. Sleep if secondary save is failed.

Level 2 Spells

Arcane Spells


Bronze Skin: Touched creature gains 6/- damage reduction for a time.
Counterspell: Cancel out an enemy spell caster's spell.
Energy Flux: Immediate action that redirects some energy damage safely away from you.
Interdiction: Intercept an attack for a nearby ally.
Invisibility Retort: Reveal most invisible creatures within a radius around the caster.
Secure: Use magic to secure a door or container.
Signal Scramble, Lesser: Obscure non-living things from scrying.


Command, Lesser: Direct an action of subject, so long as it isn't dangerous or deadly.
Hold Humanoid: Hold a humanoid creature in its square for a time.


Summon Inferentity Mk I: Summon a chosen Inferenity for a time.
Tagging Hand: Create a floating hand to deliver touch spells for a brief time.


Night Sight: Gain dark vision 60 ft. for some time.
Polyglot: Speak, understand, read, and write any language, for a long time.
Scan: Learn important information about a target.
Thought Probe: Passively pick up on surface thoughts, or detect surface thoughts from specified person.


Energy Imbuement: Swiftly apply energy damage to a weapon, for a short time.
Mote: Concentration spell; Deal at least 1d6 energy damage a round for several rounds.


Hallucination, Lesser: Fool opponent with an environmental illusion that will force them to think the world is different than it is.
Invisibility: Become invisible while not performing directly offensive actions, for a time.
Fairy Flame: Mark an invisible target as well as instill penalties for a time.
Reflections: Create illusory body doubles to mislead your foes.


Blindness: Subjects that fail their saves become permanently blind.
Thaumic Pulse: Subject at range is hit with at least 1d10 positive or negative energy.


Liquifaction: Renders terrain difficult to pass, for a short time.

Divine Spells

Blindness: Subjects that fail their saves become permanently blind.
Consecration: Create an area that weakens undead and demons, strengthens mortals and angels.
Counterspell: Cancel out an enemy spell caster's spell.
Desecration: Create and area that weakens mortals and angels, strengthens undead and demons.
Hold Humanoid: Hold a humanoid creature in its square for a time.
Panacea: Remove many battle conditions with a touch.
Remove Blindness: Subject's sight is restored.
Scan: Learn important information about a target.
Sight of Sin: See the weight of sin on a creature's Soul
Thaumic Pulse: Subject at range is hit with at least 1d10 positive or negative energy.

Generalist Spells

Bronze Skin: Touched creature gains 6/- damage reduction for a time.
Command, Lesser: Direct an action of subject, so long as it isn't dangerous or deadly.
Counterspell: Cancel out an enemy spell caster's spell.
Energy Flux: Immediate action that redirects some energy damage safely away from you.
Hold Humanoid: Hold a humanoid creature in its square for a time.
Hold Animal: Hold a humanoid creature in its square for a time.
Interdiction: Intercept an attack for a nearby ally.
Mote: Concentration spell; Deal at least 1d6 energy damage a round for several rounds.
Polyglot: Speak, understand, read, and write any language, for a long time.
Reflections: Create illusory body doubles to mislead your foes.
Secure: Use magic to secure a door or container.
Sight of Sin: See the weight of sin on a creature's Soul
Thought Probe: Passively pick up on surface thoughts, or detect surface thoughts from specified person.
Wind Buffet: Create a swift buff of wind that interrupts casters and pushes others back.

Nature Spells

Command, Lesser: Direct an action of subject, so long as it isn't dangerous or deadly.
Fairy Flame: Mark an invisible target as well as instill penalties for a time.
Floral Artillery: Create plants that used ranged weaponry on nearby targets.
Hallucination, Lesser: Fool opponent with an environmental illusion that will force them to think the world is different than it is.
Hawk Claws: Gain magical claws that allow for the use of PMA instead of Dex/Str to attack for a time.
Ghillie Step: Make your character, and several others, travel without leaving tracks.
Hold Animal: Hold a humanoid creature in its square for a time.
Liquifaction: Renders terrain difficult to pass, for a short time.
Natural Weapon Enhancement: Give enhancement bonus to a creature's natural weapons for a time.
Night Sight: Gain dark vision 60 ft. for some time.
Panacea: Remove many battle conditions with a touch.
Remove Blindness: Subject's sight is restored.
Splinter: Use nearby stone, wood, bone, or other non-metal materials to harm your foe.
Summon Inferentity Mk I: Summon a chosen Inferenity for a time.
Torrent: Water wave shoves foes, sometimes deals damage, in an area.
Wind Buffet: Create a swift buff of wind that interrupts casters and pushes others back.

Universal Spell

Bolster, Charisma: Grants at least a +2 enhancement bonus to charisma score for a time.
Bolster, Constitution: Grants at least a +2 enhancement bonus to constitution score for a time.
Bolster, Dexterity: Grants at least a +2 enhancement bonus to dexterity score for a time.
Bolster, Intelligence: Grants at least a +2 enhancement bonus to intelligence score for a time.
Bolster, Strength: Grants at least a +2 enhancement bonus to strength score for a time.
Bolster, Wisdom: Grants at least a +2 enhancement bonus to wisdom score for a time.
Breathweave Veil: Use breath to create energy resistance for allies in 30 ft. radius.

Level 3 Spells

Arcane Spells


Lesser Dispel Magic: Instantly remove magic effects from willing target, save for unwilling.
Hand's Off!!: Throw a single flanking foe back, gain attack of opportunity against them.
Shared Pain: Take half of incoming damage for a selected target.


Blind Rage: Force a subject to engage in melee combat with bonuses.
Hopelessness: Fill a subject's mind with hopelessness and break their morale.
Forced March: Force a creature to walk in a specified direction, for a time.


Conjure Fine Tool: Summon a well-made tool that gives bonuses to a task.


Discerning Eyes: See magic as colors based on the power and function and identify spells instantly.


Energy Burst: Deal at least 1d6 points of a selected energy damage in an radial area.
Energy Line: Deal at least 1d6 points of a selected energy damage to all subjects in a line.
Moderate Magic Missile: Unerring missile swarm deals 1d6 force damage per missile, divided evenly among visible targets in range.
Palm Toss: Throw subject into the air and knock them prone.


Figment: Make a medium or large sized illusion perform actions dictated by the caster.
Flickering Form: Your character flickers in and out of visibility making it hard to track them.
Silver Shroud: Make party members indistinguishable from each-other.


Animate Object: Temporarily breath life into an object, said object will fight for you.
Revitalize: Restore fatigue and exhaustion, give immunities and temporary HP.
Siphon Shield: Use another creature's HP to ward yourself against damage.
Siphon Tether: Create a link that pulls HP from one target, and gives it to another


Enlarge Monster: Make a touched creature larger, they gain combat bonuses as well as some penalties.
Haste: Gain an extra attack, movement bonuses, as well as minor AC and Attack bonuses, for a time.
Mending, Greater: Repair large amounts of damage to objects, cannot mend imbued/magical items at 0 hp.
Reduce Monster: Make a touched creature smaller, they gain some bonuses and penalties.
Slow: Reduce the speeds, AC, Attack, and reflex of foes; limits targets to 1 attack per round.
Tremor Spike: Create a line of spiking ground to deal damage to foes.

Divine Spells

Lesser Dispel Magic: Instantly remove magic effects from willing target, save for unwilling.
Golden Rays: Shoot rays that deal heat damage, doubles on undead.
Harming Ray: Deal at least 1d8 negative energy damage with a ranged touch attack.
Heal Injury: Remove most injuries with a touch spell.
Healing Ray: Heal targets at a range for at least 2d8 positive energy.
Hopelessness: Fill a subject's mind with hopelessness and break their morale.
Remove Poison: Remove poison from a target.
Revitalize: Restore fatigue and exhaustion, give immunities and temporary HP.
Shared Pain: Take half of incoming damage for a selected target.
Smooth Guile: Gain a temporary bonus when telling lies.
Supplication: Grants luck bonus to nearby allies and a luck penalty to nearby enemies.

Generalist Spells

Conjure Fine Tool: Summon a well-made tool that gives bonuses to a task.
Discerning Eyes: See magic as colors based on the power and function and identify spells instantly.
Hopelessness: Fill a subject's mind with hopelessness and break their morale.
Lesser Dispel Magic: Instantly remove magic effects from willing target, save for unwilling.
Flickering Form: Your character flickers in and out of visibility making it hard to track them.
Forced March: Force a creature to walk in a specified direction, for a time.
Haste: Gain an extra attack, movement bonuses, as well as minor AC and Attack bonuses, for a time.
Palm Toss: Throw subject into the air and knock them prone.
Smooth Guile: Gain a temporary bonus when telling lies.

Nature Spells

Blind Rage: Force a subject to engage in melee combat with bonuses.
Enlarge Monster: Make a touched creature larger, they gain combat bonuses as well as some penalties.
Heal Injury: Remove most injuries with a touch spell.
Golden Rays: Shoot rays that deal heat damage, doubles on undead.
Ley Anchor: Crystals grown out of the ground will draw in and nullify spells.
Mana Dew: Restore Spell slots of Arcane and Divine casters, disables Nature Casting.
Reduce Monster: Make a touched creature smaller, they gain some bonuses and penalties.
Remove Poison: Remove poison from a target.
Silver Shroud: Make party members indistinguishable from each-other.
Soma Spore: Create an area that cures and renders conditions harmless.
Soothing Spores: Short Description: Grow a mushroom that heals nearby allies.
Tremor Spike: Create a line of spiking ground to deal damage to foes.
Water Jet: Sweeping beam of water deals at least 1d6 slashing damage in area.

Universal Spells

Breathweave Missile: Modify breath weapon to act like a missile spell, gain benefits of spell proficiency.

Level 4 Spells

Arcane Spells


Banishment: Send summoned creatures back to where they came from with a caster level check.
Minor Universal Energy Warding: Gain a small amount of broad energy resistance for a short time.
Mystic Weave: Create a personal veil that protects against entropic damage.
Privacy Field: Create an area that only participants can hear each other.
Steel Skin: Gain 15/- damage reduction for a short time.


Paranoia: Forces foe into thinking they are being attacked by someone behind them.


Erromand's Adamant Plate: Call a sheet of adamantium to defend against attacks and spells.
Frost Wall: Create a barrier of Ice that blocks line of sight and line of effect.
Orb of Energy: Ranged touch attack deals at least 1d6 damage of a selected energy type. Not subject to spell resistance.
Summon Inferentity Mk II: Summon a chosen Inferenity for a time.
Trick Step: Instantly close distance and make creatures flat-footed.


Scry: Use a focus to obtain all the sense of another creature.
Spying Eye: Invisible floating eye expands caster's vision.


Energy Cloak: Deal retaliation damage with selected energy type. Take half damage from selected type.


Hallucination, Improved: Fool opponent with an environmental illusion that will greatly alter their behavior.
Invisibility, Greater: Invisibility that lasts through offensive actions.


Blood Circle: Create an area where wounded enemies take more damage, and allies are healed; for a sacrifice.
Infection: Give a subject a disease.


Air Lash: Affected weapons gain more reach for a short time.
Gravity Wave: Push targets in a specified direction, up to 15 ft.
Shape Shelter: Create a shelter out of the natural surroundings.

Divine Spells

Harming Burst: Damage enemies in 20 ft. radius around yourself for at least 1d8 damage.
Healing Burst: Heal allies in 20 ft. radius around yourself for at least 1d8 health.
Holy Fire: A lash of (un)holy energy and fire to cleans your foes.
Infection: Give a subject a disease.
Minor Universal Energy Warding: Gain a small amount of broad energy resistance for a short time.

Generalist Spells

Air Lash: Affected weapons gain more reach for a short time.
Banishment: Send summoned creatures back to where they came from with a caster level check.
Bountiful Harvest: Summon a large meal of meat, fruits, vegetables, grains, and wine; provides bonuses after eating.
Erromand's Adamant Plate: Call a sheet of adamantium to defend against attacks and spells.
Gravity Wave: Push targets in a specified direction, up to 15 ft.
Heal Injury: Remove most injuries with a touch spell.
Invisibility, Greater: Invisibility that lasts through offensive actions.
Mold Stone: Shape stone into a desirable shape to the caster.
Mystic Weave: Create a personal veil that protects against entropic damage.
Paranoia: Forces foe into thinking they are being attacked by someone behind them.
Privacy Field: Create an area that only participants can hear each other.
Shape Shelter: Create a shelter out of the natural surroundings.
Spying Eye: Invisible floating eye expands caster's vision.
Steel Skin: Gain 15/- damage reduction for a short time.
Trick Step: Instantly close distance and make creatures flat-footed.
Unbound: Ignore all movement restructions on your character that isn't slow.

Nature Spells

Bountiful Harvest: Summon a large meal of meat, fruits, vegetables, grains, and wine; provides bonuses after eating.
Frost Wall: Create a barrier of Ice that blocks line of sight and line of effect.
Hallucination, Improved: Fool opponent with an environmental illusion that will greatly alter their behavior.
Healing Burst: Heal allies in 20 ft. radius around yourself for at least 1d8 health.
Infection: Give a subject a disease.
Lodestone: Create an area that makes life harder for those wielding metal.
Mold Stone: Shape stone into a desirable shape to the caster.
Nature's Melding: Fuze into natural objects to become undetectable, while still being able to see and hear.
Scoria Spray: 30 ft. cone deals heat and bludgeoning damage; obscures vision.
Scry: Use a focus to obtain all the sense of another creature.
Shape Shelter: Create a shelter out of the natural surroundings.
Summon Inferentity Mk II: Summon a chosen Inferenity for a time.
Unbound: Ignore all movement restructions on your character that isn't slow

Universal Spells

Breathweave Barrier: Use breath-weapon to create a wall of energy, gain benefits of spell proficiency.

Level 5 Spells

Arcane Spells


Adamant Barrier: Apply a powerful ward to a touched creature
Missile Bulwark Protection from all missile spells and ranged weaponry.
Ray Reversal: Send Rays and Orbs back at the caster.



Giant Boulder: Summon a large stone above a creature's head.
Wall of Fire: Create of wall of fire that deals heat damage to creatures on one side, and not the other.


Sky Eyes: Create a small swarm of eyes to gather intelligence.


Area Denial: Turn squares into traps that deal energy damage
Energy Chain: Deal at least 1d10 energy damage to selected targets in an area.


Thoughtless Figment: Up to a huge sized figment and requires no concentration.


Thaumic Chain Bolt: Deal at least 1d10 positive or negative damage to selected targets in an area.


Complete Repair: Very large repair to objects, can repair broken magical items.
Lockjoint: Fuse a target's joints for a brief time.

Divine Spells

Adamant Barrier: Apply a powerful ward to a touched creature.
Mantra: Inspire concentration in allies, and break the concentration of foes.
Thaumic Chain Bolt: Deal at least 1d10 positive or negative damage to selected targets in an area.

Generalist Spells

Adamant Barrier: Apply a powerful ward to a touched creature.
Mantra: Inspire concentration in allies, and break the concentration of foes.
Ray Reversal: Send Rays and Orbs back at the caster.
Thaumic Chain Bolt: Deal at least 1d10 positive or negative damage to selected targets in an area.
Thoughtless Figment: Up to a huge sized figment and requires no concentration.

Nature Spells

Citric Burst: Summon a dangerous fruit that can be left to explode, or thrown. Deals acid damage.
Giant Boulder: Summon a large stone above a creature's head.
Lockjoint: Fuse a target's joints for a brief time.
Petal Mirage: Evade a turn of attacks, gain dodge AC for a time.
Vitrification Field: Create an area that deals slashing damage to creatures that enter it.
Wall of Fire: Create of wall of fire that deals heat damage to creatures on one side, and not the other.

Level 6 Spells

Arcane Spells


Greater Dispel Magic: Instantly remove a large amount of magic effects from willing target, save for unwilling.
Energy Flux, Grand: Quickly redirect a large amount of incoming energy damage into another square.
Entropic Reversal: Reduce entropic damage for allies within 30 ft.


Command, Greater: Direct an action of subject, so long as it isn't dangerous or deadly.



Pure Vision: Gain immunity to most illusions, ignore any kind of concealing effect; for a time.


Magic Missile, Greater: Fire up to 4 large missiles for moderate damage


Mass Glamour: Disguise up to 8 subjects as similarly sized creatures; for a time.
Superior Invisibility: Gain nearly perfect invisibility for a brief time.


Cancerous Tumors: This spell injects extra positive energy into a target wreaking havoc on their health.
Vivum Torrent: Very swift healing spell heals for at least 1d6 positive energy and gives minor luck bonus to fortitude.


Disintegrate: Deal immense amounts of entropic damage to a target.
Mass Martial Reversal: Subjects have a 50% chance for their weapons to strike themselves rather than their opponents.
Spell Strike: Plant a spell, or scroll, into a weapon that can trigger as an immediate action on hit.

Divine Spells

Divine Rush: Gain combat bonuses for a short time.
Greater Dispel Magic: Instantly remove a large amount of magic effects from willing target, save for unwilling.
Vespers: Heal for a moderate amount, cure all conditions, and be immune to them for the duration.
Vivum Torrent: Very swift healing spell heals for at least 1d6 positive energy and gives minor luck bonus to fortitude.

Generalist Spells

Area Denial: Turn squares into traps that deal energy damage
Command, Greater: Direct an action of subject, so long as it isn't dangerous or deadly.
Energy Flux, Grand: Quickly redirect a large amount of incoming energy damage into another square.
Greater Dispel Magic: Instantly remove a large amount of magic effects from willing target, save for unwilling.
Ice Lance: Throw a lance of ice that deals piercing and cold damage; can pin targets.
Magic Missile, Greater: Fire up to 4 large missiles for moderate damage
Predator's Prowess: Channel the aggression and prowess of a predator, gain combat bonuses.
Spell Strike: Plant a spell, or scroll, into a weapon that can trigger as an immediate action on hit.

Nature Spells

Ice Lance: Throw a lance of ice that deals piercing and cold damage; can pin targets.
Lode Disc: Magic disc causes havoc with metal weaponry.
Predator's Prowess: Channel the aggression and prowess of a predator, gain combat bonuses.
Thoughtless Figment: Up to a huge sized figment and requires no concentration.
Weakening Wisteria: Grant saving throw penalties in creatures in specified squares.

Level 7 Spells

Arcane Spells


Disarcana Corpum: Turn user's magic effects against them.
Let Go of Me!: Terminate a grapple, throw and damage the grappler.



Dispelling Burst: As Greater Dispel but, in an area.
Chaos Orb: Orb does large amount of mixed damage types.
Summon Inferentity Mk III: Summon a chosen Inferenity for a time.


Communion: Speak with a greater attendant for insight and information.


Deflagration: Greatly burn a foe with fire, ignite nearby foes as well.
Rime Deposition: Freeze the water in the air around a subject, deals damage and locks target in place.
Saline Encasement: Form a damaging crust of salt on your foe dealing upfront damage, and damage over time.



Judgement: Expose a target's soul to the judgement of a god or the dead.
Vivify: Revive a very recently deceased person to half hp.


Terraphage: Use the ground to crush and entrap opponents.

Divine Spells

Judgement: Expose a target's soul to the judgement of a god or the dead.
Rods From the Gods: Rain metal rods into some squares. These rods deal piercing damage once per round.
Vivify: Revive a very recently deceased person to half hp.

Generalist Spells

Let Go of Me!: Terminate a grapple, throw and damage the grappler.
Whorling Dervish: Become a dust devil, ignore physical damage, deal slashing damage to others.

Nature Spells

Cancerous Tumors: This spell injects extra positive energy into a target wreaking havoc on their health.
Mana Fruit: Restore Spell slots of Arcane and Divine casters, disables Nature Casting.
Mycelial Mitosis: Mushroom roots connect to allies and grant them regeneration and other benefits, for a time.
Rime Deposition: Freeze the water in the air around a subject, deals damage and locks target in place.
Saline Encasement: Form a damaging crust of salt on your foe dealing upfront damage, and damage over time.
Summon Inferentity Mk III: Summon a chosen Inferenity for a time.
Terraphage: Use the ground to crush and entrap opponents.
Whorling Dervish: Become a dust devil, ignore physical damage, deal slashing damage to others.

Level 8 Spells

Arcane Spells


Anti-Magic Ray: Disable the casting of supernatural abilities, spell-like abilities and spells in general, for a time.



Voiding Sphere: Conjure a deadly sphere that pulls all creatures in.


Contingency: Prepare a spell to go off with a pre-determined trigger.


Crystal Halo: Create a halo of crystal shards that does several things.



Black Flame: Engulf a target with black flames of death.
White Flame: Persistent buff provides large health bonus to target, and doubles damage against undead for said target.


Disintegration Ray: Deal immense amounts of entropic damage to a target.
Flesh to Bomb: Prime a target to explode after three rounds for immense damage.

Divine Spells

Contingency: Prepare a spell to go off with a pre-determined trigger.
Sacred Scarab: Infuse a target with multiple bonuses and spell resistance for a time.
Voiding Sphere: Conjure a deadly sphere that pulls all creatures in.

Generalist Spells

Nature Spells

Bolt from the Blue: Regardless of weather, drop a powerful bolt of lightning on a target.
Crystal Halo: Create a halo of crystal shards that does several things.
Fang of the Earth: Create a pillar of earth and rapidly pummel targets with it.
Milk of Xanadu: Regenerate lost limbs, cure most afflictions, and reverse aging by a year.

Level 9 Spells

Arcane Spells


Mystic Mire: Make magic users ill and spells harder to cast.
Siddel's Disarming Disjunction: Disable all current magic effects on a creature and disenchant random equipment, permanently.
Universal Energy Ward, Mass: As an immediate action grant many energy resistances at once to allies.



Summon Inferentity Mk IV: Summon a chosen Inferenity for a time.


Malteo's Vicarious Vagrants: Create three flying eyes that have a multitude of effects.



Illusory Spell: Mimic an 8th level spell or lower and fool the target into thinking they are affected.
Perfect Mirror: Create a perfect mirror image of yourself that is indistinguishable. It gains an initiative and can cast up to 4th level spells.


Cerebrum Crepitus: Cause the target's brain to rapidly grow tumors, instantly killing them.
Radia's Reconstitution: Reform even after being obliterated.
Reaving Maelstrom: Negative energy aura drains the life of enemies, heals allies.


Energy Emulsion: Temporarily become an energy aspect of an element.

Divine Spells

Divine Injunction: Give a command with the force of the divine behind it.
Radia's Reconstitution: Reform even after being obliterated.
Reaving Maelstrom: Negative energy aura drains the life of enemies, heals allies.

Generalist Spells

Nature Spells

Kimberlite Pipe: Call power from the depths of the earth to eradicate your foes and cancel out magic.
Summon Inferentity Mk IV: Summon a chosen Inferenity for a time.
Verdant Avalanche: Cover a large area in plants that buff allies and harm enemies.