Definitions are a way for you to define your character based on what their skills, background, and interests are. All characters start with a primary definition and gain secondary definitions at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20.
Primary Definitions
The most defining aspect of your character is their first definition. This will define the general path your character will take in the future. Choose carefully and review secondary definitions before making a final decision. A character only gets one primary definition, and this is at first level.
You are light on your feet and rely upon your movement to give you the advantage in combat.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 14+
Armor: None and shields (except tower shields)
Effect: Gain Uncanny Dodge, your character can no longer be flanked by anything less than 6 HD higher than
your character. Your character cannot be caught flat-footed unless pinned.
Tumbling is now done at full speed without penalty. When choosing to fight defensively,
your character only takes a -2 to all attacks in the round instead of -4.
These benefits are lost if your character wears any physical armor or a tower shield. Bracers of armor, bucklers,
and full shields can be worn without losing these benefits.
Note: When used with characters that have Improved Defensive Fighting the bonus for each negative is doubled to a maximum of -3 for a +6 to AC.
Altruistic to the core; your character puts themselves in harm's way for other's safety.
Prerequisite: Must have a d8 hit die or more and constitution 14
Armor: Light, medium, heavy, and all shields (including tower shields).
Effect: Once per round you can intercept all attacks on an adjacent ally, from a single foe, as an immediate action.
This action does not count against the defender's immediate actions for the round. At all time, gain bonus damage reduction
1/- this increases by one for every 5 HD. Unlike the standard rules for damage reduction. Any damage reduction that ends
in /- stacks with the bonus damage reduction. e.g. An armor with 4/- on a level 15 Defender will have 8/- damage reduction
total. This does not allow all damage reductions to stack. Just the highest n/- plus the defender's bonus damage reduction.
Religion is a large part of your character’s life. Through worship, you have been granted minor powers of the divine.
Prerequisite: Wisdom chosen as your primary mental attribute. Must have a primary religion.
Must be able to cast spells.
Armor: Light, Medium, Shields (except tower shields)
Effect: Your character will gain access to the divine spell casting lists.
Proficiency with your deity’s favored weapon is gained. Gain domain spells as per your deity.
All Heal and Wound spells become known spells at the appropriate levels.
Diffuse Background
Your character is less defined in their skills and has a more general set of abilities
Armor: Light and shields (except tower shields)
Effect: Gain an extra feat, choose a secondary definition, increase a single attribute by 2.
In tune with nature and weary of the city, a druid finds its calling with nature and her many lures.
Prerequisite: Charisma chosen as your primary mental attribute. Must be able to cast spells.
Armor: Any non-metal Light and Medium
Effect: Your character gains access to the nature spell lest. Access to the general spell list is lost.
Animal Companions will count you as +2 HD higher than you are for growth and/or selection.
Their Hit Die will equal your own +2. Contact with metal will prevent the druid from using magic.
You are particularly attuned to one element over the others; those spells come naturally to you, but others remain beyond your grasp.
Prerequisite: Charisma chosen as PMA and is 16 or higher.
Armor: None
Effect: Choose one of the following elements. Air, Death, Earth, Fire, Force, Ice, Life, Void, or Water. Any spell
or ability that has a choice of element will be of the chosen element, even if the spell or ability does not support it.
All spells with the matching descriptor of the chosen element will become a known spell, regardless of whether it is an
arcane, divine, or nature spell . Gain 5 resistance to the chosen element, and this resistance grows by 5 on every odd
Trained in the arts of the hunt, a hunter knows how to find their prey and fell it with alacrity.
Prerequisite: Must have Bushcraft as a skill with at least 4 ranks.
Armor: Light and Medium
Effect: If the character is able to cast spells they gain access to the nature spell list. Access to the general
list is lost. Gain favored enemies(See enemy types for selections). Against a favored target gains a +2 bonus on beguile,
Listen, Discern Intent, Spot, and Bushcraft checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise,
your character gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures. Every level evenly divisible by 5 gain a
new favored target as well as choose to add another +2 bonus set to one of your new or old favored enemies.
Knowledge Keeper
A general understanding of the world is important to you. While specialty magic is beyond your character's grasp, they are known to dabble.
Prerequisite: Intelligence chosen as your primary mental attribute. Must be able to cast spells.
Armor: Light Armor and shields (Except Tower Shields)
Effect: Your character can select a single spell from any spell list every level as a bonus known spell. Get General
Knowledge ability. This allows you to make a roll of Your HD + Intelligence modifier to see if you know anything about a
given topic/place/person/etc...
Mage Killer
For one reason or another your character has become specialized in hunting those who use and manipulate mana.
Prerequisite: Must have a PMA of 16 or higher. The character must be basic or lower in their magical capabilities.
Armor: Light, Medium, and Shields; except tower shields.
Effect: Gain counterspell as a supernatural (Su) ability once per day at 1 HD. The number of uses
increases on every odd numbered HD. This counterspell will always be cast as if it was being cast at 6th level. Mage Killers also
use their HD instead of their caster level for counterspell and dispel type effects. If the character only has one good save, they
will instead have two good saves.
Magus Summa
For you, magic is a means to an end. You don’t care how you gain access to spells so long as you can use them.
Prerequisite: Wisdom chosen as your primary mental attribute. Must be able to cast spells.
Armor: Extremely None
Effect: You gain access to Nature, Divine, and Arcane spell lists. Access to the general list is lost.
Melee Combatant
Your character specializes in combat, specifically all things up close and personal.
Prerequisite: Strength or Dexterity 14, and Constitution 12
Armor: Light, medium, heavy, and shields (except tower shields)
Effect: Choose a grouping of weapons (See Weapon groups) and become proficient in them, if not already. These
selected weapons, so long as they are melee weapons, increase the damage die category of the melee weapons by one.
Natural Leader
Reliability, diligence, and a good bit of luck can go a long way. Your natural ability to control yourself in tense situations has led others to look to you for inspiration.
Prerequisite: Charisma chosen as your primary mental attribute, an oratory performance skill.
Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy, and Shields (except tower shields)
Effect: Your character gains the inspiration ability. Once per day per HD, a natural leader can inspire their allies
with a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage. This increases by +1 for every level divisible evenly by 6. This is a
standard action and can be maintained through mundane actions. Any action that requires verbal components will end the
inspiration. The inspiration lasts for 5 rounds after being ended.
Insight and Foresight are your character's playground. With self-sacrifice you can gain the upper hand in any situation.
Prerequisite: Wisdom chosen as your primary mental attribute.
Armor: Light
Effect: Gain a +1 insight bonus to AC, this bonus increases by +1 for every 4 HD. Gain Uncanny Foresight.
This is the ability to add +1 to any roll as a free action at the start of a turn. This ability will cost 2 HP.
The HP cost doubles for every modifier increase above 1. This would mean a +2 would cost 4 HP, a +3 would cost 8 HP,
a +4 would cost 16 HP, a +5 would cost 32 HP, and so on. Your character can die using this ability.
This will happen at the end of the turn if the use would drop them to lethal HP.
Material wealth and objects of great value are your character's interests.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 14
Armor: Light
Effect: Gain trap finding. This allows the pilferer to find traps with a DC higher than 20.
Also gain a +1 bonus to saves and AC against traps. This bonus increases by 1 every level divisible evenly by 3.
Hidden doors can be sensed by pilferers,
prompting an immediate investigate check with a bonus equal to their trap save bonus.
Religion, study, and inner enlightenment are central to your character. A man of the cloth will never wear armor, and focus only on the teaching of their deity.
Prerequisite: Wisdom chosen as your primary mental attribute. Must be able to cast spells.
Armor: None
Effect: Gain access to the divine spell list. Access to the general list is lost. Gain, "Gift of the Faithful,"
where healing spells to other characters with a matching alignment are automatically maximized. Likewise, harming spells
cast against characters/creatures with opposing alignments are automatically maximized. Spells named Healing or Harming
are considered known spells. (Harming Touch, Healing Burst, etc...)
Ranged Combatant
Your character specializes in ranged combat, specifically, all things ranged.
Prerequisite: Strength 10 and Dexterity 14
Armor: Light
Effect: Choose a grouping of ranged weapons (See ranged weapons) and become proficient in them, if not already.
Gain ranged flanking, the ability to flank a single designated foe should they be threatened by another target opposite
your position, so long as you are within 15 feet. You still do not threaten squares for purposes of attacks of
opportunity against any other foe.
You are a natural; the arcane comes easily to you.
Prerequisite: Charisma chosen as your primary mental attribute. Must be able to cast spells.
Armor: Light
Effect: Your character will gain access to the arcane spell casting lists. Access to the general list is lost.
Gain an extra known spell of your choosing from the arcane list at every level. A sorcerer cannot prepare spells,
and can only cast from their known spells. Sorcerers gain an inherent bonus to piercing spell resistance equal
to HD/5 always rounding down.
Unarmed Combatant
Your character needs not a weapon to fell their foes. They use guile, discipline, and their fists to do the job.
Prerequisite: Strength 12, Dexterity 12, Wisdom 12, and Wisdom chosen as the primary mental attribute.
Armor: None
Effect: Considered armed with unarmed combat. Unarmed combat deals 2 categories more than base. This means 1d4
for small and 1d6 for medium-sized characters. Gain +1 dodge bonus to AC. This bonus increases by +1 for every 5 HD.
Wild Spirit
Your character is at home in nature and has trained not with others, but by themselves in the harsh wilderness to learn the lessons the wilds have to offer.
Prerequisite: Only one language known
Armor: None
Effect: Lose access to the generalist spell list and gain access to the nature spell list. In natural settings,
parks included, gain a constant conceal and move silently as if you rolled a 10 at all times. Also, gain a dodge AC
bonus equal to ranks in bushcraft divided by 5; this bonus only applies when wearing no armor.
You are a practiced academic when it comes to the arcane arts.
Prerequisite: Intelligence chosen as your primary mental attribute. Must be able to cast spells.
Armor: None
Effect: Your character gains access to the arcane spell casting lists. Access to the general list is lost. Choose
two schools of magic and make them forbidden. This means you will not be able to cast any form of these spells,
from wand, scroll, or stave. In turn, choose a school to specialize in. In this school, you can cast all arcane spells
from that school as known spells.
A warrior of their deity on a holy mission to fulfill their religious obligations. They are strong-willed and often set in their ways.
Prerequisite: Must be religious or have a strong cause, Charisma chosen as a primary mental attribute, and must be able
to cast spells.
Armor: Light, medium, heavy, all shields (including tower shields)
Effect: Gain access to the divine magic lists. At first level, choose to get either an animal companion
or Lay on Hands as a bonus ability. Gain an Aura of Protection against holy or unholy creatures
on effects depending on the character's outlook on religion. This will grant all creatures matching their sanctity within
15 ft. a +2 holy/unholy bonus to AC and will saves at all times.
Secondary Definitions
Secondary definitions help define your character further into your desired paths. Some will lock others out, while some work with any. Most can only be taken once unless otherwise specified. Secondary definitions are gained at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20.
Aerial Ace
Your character has spent a great deal of time learning how to fly as deftly as possible. This grants them a level of mobility not typical achieved by other flying species.
Prerequisite: Your character must have a fly speed.
Effect: Move your character's flight maneuverability up a category, maxed at perfect e.g. from Poor to Average or
from Average to Perfect. This also allows your character to hover whether or not they have perfect maneuverability.
Your character specializes in making and handling poisons.
Prerequisite: Must have at least 4 ranks in Craft (Alchemy)
Effect: Your character will not accidentally poison themselves when handling poisons. Gain a +1 competence bonus
to Craft (Alchemy). This bonuses increases by 1 for every for 4 HD.
Your character has decided that the arcane arts are the best kind of magic, no more of these pedestrian spells.
Prerequisite: Must only have access to the Generalist spell list.
Effect: Lose access to the generalist list of spells and gain access to the Arcane list of spells. (Note that
intuitive spells can be retroactively swapped out if they are occupied by generalist spells.)
Magical items are your thing, you love them and truly understand how to use them
Effect: Use your own stats for determining the save DC of items and their spell effects. The spell Identify becomes a spell-like ability usable five times a day with no material components.
Physical prowess and your body are what you make of it. Swimming, jumping and running are far easier for you due to your training.
Effect: Gain a +1 competence bonus on Acrobatics and Swim, this bonus increases by 1 for every 4 HD you have. You can run up to 5x base speed instead of 4x (or 4x instead of 3x with heavy armor.)
Blessing of the Phoenix
Your character has been blessed by the spirit of the phoenix and can manifest the power associated with that.
Prerequisite: Must be a living creature.
Effect: Gain a +1 competence bonus to spot. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 HD. Gain access to the
Phoenix line of abilities.
Bounty Hunter
A proper career in bringing those marked by the law in, typically alive. Your character is often viewed with respect by law enforcement wherever they are.
Prerequisite: Must have 8 or more skill points in Profession (Bounty Hunter)
Effect: Gain a +4 competency bonus for any check that pertains to tracking, restraining, or getting information on a
target. Bounty hunters also gain a +2 circumstance bonus to all attack rolls and non-lethal damage rolls on their targets.
Your character thrives when they are out in the wilderness, and have gained some useful tricks along the way.
Effect: You move more carefully through brush and soft dirt, trackers will suffer a -5 when using bushcraft to track your character. Gain a +1 Competency bonus to Knowledge(Nature) and bushcraft. This bonus will increase by +1 for every 4 HD.
Cover Identity
Your character has developed a false personality and history so they can better achieve their goals, typically espionage.
Effect: When in this cover identity gain a +10 bonus to beguile checks and disguise checks in regards to the
cover identity. Mind reading and scrying also only reveal thoughts and information about the cover identity.
A cover identity can be changed but it replaces the old one, this process takes 2 weeks.
Special: This definition can be taken multiple times, each time a new cover identity can be created.
Your character has spent time learning the trade of cooking and preparing delicious foods. They are also fully aware a good meal can boost morale.
Effect: Meals prepared by using the skill Craft(Meal) give all those who eat +1 Morale bonus to their saving throws for 8 hours. If they roll 20 or higher, this bonus increases by +1 at a roll of 30, and another +1 at 40... etc. Your character also gains a +1 competency bonus to Craft(Meal) and this increases by +1 for every 4 HD.
Your character hides their intents for reasons that are their own.
Effect: Surface thoughts cannot be detected with a mind-reading spell, Discern Intent will draw odd or misdirected results, this can be overcome by beating your character's beguile roll by 10. The character gains +1 competency bonus to beguile and this increases by +1 for every 4 HD.
When others try to press their will onto you, you push back with everything you've got to deny them the satisfaction.
Effect: Your character gains a +2 to Shove, Trample, and trip rolls, and gain a +4 inherent to will saves.
Draconic Bloodline
Your character has had a dragon somewhere in their bloodline that has, whether through a magical awakening or by chance, manifested in their life.
Effect: Select an element type from the following list: Air, Earth, Fire, Force, or Water. Gain Immunity to the associated type of energy damage, but vulnerability to the opposite energy. This also unlocks the ability to take abilities that require Draconic Bloodline.
Special: If taken with Elementalist or species that gives resistance the selected energy type, it becomes absorbing instead of immunity. The element chosen by Elementalist overrides any option here.
Never staying in one place for too long, the drifter has not bonds and is often hard to find.
Effect: Any creature that is attempting to track a drifter will have a harder time doing so. Their DCs for Bushcraft and Gather Information on the drifter will be much higher. A drifter's combat capabilities will typically be an unknown quantity to their enemies. Gain a +1 competency bonus to Knowledge (Common) and this increases by +1 for every 4 HD.
Dual Disciplinarian
Your character can draw from another list of spells.
Prerequisite: Must have access to the Arcane, Divine, or Nature spell lists.
Effect: Your character can pick a second magic list, other than general, to prepare spells from. Once taken,
your character can swap intuitive spells.
Eidetic Memory
Your character has an exceptional memory and can recall things in keen detail.
Effect: When rolling for knowledge checks you can take a 10 instead of rolling under any circumstance. Your character will also instantly notice if something in a previously visited area has changed.
Grace Caster
Sometimes gentle movements and subtle body control can be a discipline in of itself
Prerequisite: Must have 8 or more ranks in Perform (Dance)
Effect: Your character can select dexterity as their primary attribute for casting.
A lie can be worth the money, especially if entertaining. Your character specializes in deceit, and the performance of, their own way of drawing attention.
Effect: Grifters can use a beguile check to double their performance income. On top of this a performance check that is double the DC can also encourage others to be helpful. Gain a +1 competency bonus on beguile checks. This bonus will increase by +1 for every 4 HD.
Your character has secluded themselves either permanently or for an extended amount of time. This was to seek a better sense of reality and self through one method or another.
Effect: This solitude has left your character with a strong sense of self. Gain a +4 inherent bonus to all saves against compulsions and figments. Once per day a hermit can add a +4 to any roll of their choosing: declared prior to rolling.
Your character has a profound and deep knowledge of histories the world over. Their love for knowing things about the past, can easily help them in the present.
Effect: Gain knowledge (History) as a trained skill. Gain a +1 competency bonus on Knowledge (History). This bonus will increase by +1 for every 4 HD. For the purposes of gaining insight on current affairs in a city, country, or region a Knowledge History can be used in place of a Gather Information, albeit at a higher DC. If a particular set of things has not occurred in the past before, a historian will know it's a new scenario but have no insight.
Holy Touch
Your character’s bond with their god is strong enough and a well of new spell knowledge overrode their previous.
Prerequisite: Must only have access to the Generalist spell list.
Effect: Lose access to the generalist list of spells and gain access to the Divine list of spells. (Note that
intuitive spells can be retroactively swapped out if they are occupied by generalist spells.)
Your character specializes in physical entry methods that counter high points of ingress.
Effect: Climbing and quiet movement are now as natural to you as breathing, allowing you to climb at up to half your ground speed, or move silently at full speed. In addition, you may hurry your climbing by taking a -5 penalty to the check in order to climb at full speed. Finally, if your total check penalties from all sources is less than 5, you may ignore the penalty when either climbing or moving silently.
You've become sensitive to the flow of mana as it is shaped by others. Finding flaws and weaknesses in their technique is much easier for you.
Effect: Gain a +1 competency bonus on dispels, counterspells, and Knowledge(Arcana) rolls. This bonus gains another +1 for every 4 HD. The same bonus is applied to the save DC of any variation of dispel magic.
Jack of all Trades
By dabbling a bit in everything you've become quite adept at applying one set of skills to another.
Effect: All skill synergy bonuses are increased by +2
Special: This definition can be taken multiple times, the effects stack.
Knowledge Hungry
Your character thrives on learning and storing knowledge of the common and the esoteric.
Effect: Get General Knowledge ability. This allows you to make a roll of Your HD + Intelligence modifier to see if you know anything about a given topic/place/person/etc. Your character also gains a +1 competency bonus to two knowledge skills of their choosing. This bonus will increase by +1 for every 4 HD.
Your character has gained knowledge of security locks, either through building them or picking them, that gives them an edge others would not normally have.
Effect: You can recognize the difficulty rating of a lock as a free action. The speed required for a pick attempt at the lock is reduced by one difficulty category as well. On top of this gain a +1 competency bonus to lock picking. This bonus will increase by +1 for every 4 HD.
Magic Resistant
Your character has studied how to defend against, or learned through experience how to resist magic at a general level
Effect: Gain SR equal to HD+10
Special: If taken with Wizard's Baccalaureate for Abjurers the total bonus is HD+15
Martial Magus
Your character is aware of the shortcomings of magic, and has prepared themselves adequately just in case their primary tactics fail.
Prerequisite: Advanced Magic and Specialist or Generalist focus chosen as your character progression. Cannot have
Mystic Warrior as a definition.
Effect: Expand your Base Attack Bonus to Medium instead of Low.
Special: If taken at first level you gain the medium Base Attack Bonus skill and save base instead of the low Base
Attack Bonus.
Master of None
Being the top of the field has never been your strong suit, despite your general aptitude and broad knowledge.
Effect: All known skill have their skill points increased by a maximum of 3. This is determined by how close to the
maximum skill-point limit the skill is. This definition cannot bring a skill to max rank.
Special: This definition can be taken multiple times, the effects stack.
Musical Mage
Your character has learned to weave their music in place of Verbal and somatic components.
Effect: Any spell that has verbal and/or somatic components can instead use a musical instrument, or singing, to cast the spell. This effect allows the use of song abilities, like Dirge and casting of spells at the same time.
Mystic Warrior
Your character prefers the art of war and uses magic to augment their ability to fight more effectively.
Prerequisite: Standard Magic chosen for your character progression. Cannot have Martial Magus as a definition.
Effect: Expand your Base Attack Bonus to High instead of Medium.
Special: If taken at first level you gain the high Base Attack Bonus skill and save base instead of the medium Base
Attack Bonus.
Nature’s Guidance
Your character follows nature as their guide and the understanding of natural magics floods their being.
Prerequisite: Must only have access to the Generalist spell list.
Effect: Lose access to the generalist list of spells and gain access to the Nature list of spells. (Note that
intuitive spells can be retroactively swapped out if they are occupied by generalist spells.)
Your character is very quick on their feet and can find footing or move in complex manners with ease.
Effect: Gain a +1 competency bonus to acrobatics and balance for every 4 HD you have. Dodge bonuses towards defensive fighting and total defense are further increased by +1 for defensive fighting and by +2 for total defense.
Note: When a character has Improved Defensive Fighting, the effect grains a +1 on top of whatever bonus the character chooses.
You've become adept at nullifying magical effects
Effect: Gain 3 lesser dispel magic per day as a spell-like ability (Sp). These become Greater Dispel Magic at 12 HD.
Observant Caster
Casting spells in dangerous situations has taught a lesson in situational awareness.
Prerequisite: HD 10+ and must be capable of casting spells
Effect: Cast spells in threatened squares without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Your character is as comfortable on their mount as they are when off it.
Effect: Gain a +1 competency bonus to ride checks that increases for every 4 HD you have. When rolling initiative your character and their mount's turn move to whichever is higher, if you so choose. Mounted archery penalties are halved. If your character has the mounted archery feat all mounted archery penalties are negated.
Throwing weapons are the most effective way to keep oneself mobile and their enemy pinned.
Prerequisite: Must have weapon mastery with a thrown weapon such as throwing spikes, hurlbats, etc...
Effect: The range of thrown weapons is doubled. they can apply 1.5x strength to damage, as if it were a two-handed weapon.
Resistive Focus
Your character has disciplined their body and mind to deal with adverse effects.
Effect: Permanently change a low base save to a high base save
Special: This can be taken a total of twice.
Your character has the gift of remote vision and can see and scry much more easily.
Effect: Your character can scry 1 time per day per 5 HD. This scrying requires no spell focus. Standard modifiers apply to scrying from knowledge of and connection to the target. At 10 HD the spells, Detect Magic, Far Whisper, Arcane Sight, Tongues, and True Seeing can be used in conjunction with this scrying. This scrying attempt has a base DC of DC 10 + 1/2 HD + PMA. See Scry Spell for DC Modifiers.
Silver Tongue
Your character has become gifted in the way of words and can use their tongue and wit in place of a sword and shield.
Effect: It becomes possible to negotiate with outwardly hostile foes so long as blood has not been drawn. shopkeepers will become less likely to throw your character out for being too stiff on prices. Gain a +1 competency bonus to Haggle and Diplomacy for every 4 HD you have.
Your character knows how to be quiet, and move accordingly. Difficult to track, herder to detect.
Effect: Tracking DCs against your character are 5 higher. Gain a +1 competency bonus to Conceal and Move Silently. This bonus will increase by +1 for every 4 HD.
Movement on the battlefield is life, and your character knows it.
Effect: Gain +10 base speed to your character's movement(s). This increases by another +10 at 12 HD.
Spell Flanker
Practice makes perfect, and there is a touch spell that is now part of the caster.
Prerequisite: Must have a touch spell
Effect: Threaten squares as if using a non-reach weapon. If an attack opportunity is provoked, a chosen spell can
be cast as an immediate action against that foe. The caster can now flank as a result. This still costs a spell slot
when used. The spell selected for this must me 5th level or lower.
Special: One the spell is chosen for this definition it cannot be changed.
Tough as Nails
Your character has been through a lot and come out alive on the other side more or less unscathed. This has happened enough that you have developed some general toughness.
Effect: Gain 20 health and a +4 inherent bonus to fortitude saves against disease and poison.
Your character works in a field and has an extended network of contacts within that field.
Prerequisite: Profession (Your Choice) 4 ranks or more.
Effect: You can have 1-5 contacts set up in different parts of the world your DM has created or is using. These
contacts can send you important information about their region as well as net you better prices on whatever your
selected industry happens to be. Also gain a +3 to your selected profession, as well as a 10% increase to income related
to your profession on a weekly basis. (See profession skill)
Special: This definition can be taken multiple times so long as it's taken for a different profession each time.
Unarmored Dirge
Your character shuns the use of armor and has taken the time necessary to sure up their defenses in other ways. This still allows for the use of magical armor enhancement bonus, such as Bracers of Armor.
Effect: So long as the character isn't wearing anything that grants armor bonus, or a tower shield, they gain their wisdom modifier to their armor class as an insight bonus. +3 insight bonus to AC is the limit to this definition. This effect is lost if the character is flat-footed. This does stack with their dexterity modifier.
Urban Beat
Your character has a good feel for the pulse of an urban area and knows where and how to find the proper connections to get done what they need done.
Effect: Your character no longer draws suspicion when gathering information. Gain a +1 bonus to Knowledge(Common) and Gather Information. This bonus will increase by +1 for every 4 HD.
Charged with defending others you've gained some skills that allow you to be more effective in your duties.
Effect: Ever watchful you are never caught off guard at the start of combat. Your character does not start combat off flat-footed. Also gain +1 competency bonus to Spot and Listen checks this bonus increases by 1 for every 4 HD you have.
Wizard’s Associate
You’ve achieved a general understanding of your chosen school of magic. All the knowledge you’ve obtained has resulted in superior practice from your chosen school. Gain a +1 CL to spells within your chosen school.
Prerequisite: Wizardry
Effect: Gain a unique passive based on your school of magic.
Abjuration: Gain extra uses of counter spell per day equal to half of your intelligence modifier.
Conjuration: Summoned elementals gain (CL+PMA)x2 in warding when summoned.
Divination: Gain +1 insight bonus on all attacks and +1 insight on AC. These bonuses increase by +1 for every 5 caster levels the user has.
Enchantment: Subjects do not gain a bonus on will saves when being forced to do actions against their nature.
Evocation: The energy damage of any spell can be swapped for a physical damage type. A fireball, for example, can instead deal bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage.
Illusion: +2 to the DC of any spell that says, “Will disbelief.”
Thaumaturgy: Heal damage equal to 1/2 damage dealt by a thaumaturgy spell.
Transmutation: Duration of transmutation spells that count in rounds is increased by 1/2 CL rounds.
Wizard’s Baccalaureate
You’ve achieved an advanced understanding of your chosen school of magic. All the knowledge you’ve obtained has resulted in superior practice from your chosen school. Your character also gains +1 CL for any spell in their chosen school.
Prerequisite: Wizard’s Associate
Effect: Gain a unique passive based on your school of magic.
Abjuration: Gain SR 11+HD
Conjuration: Summon Monster spells now last for 1 minute per CL instead of 1 round per CL
Divination: Gain See Invisibility at all times.
Enchantment: If a subject successfully saves from an enchantment spell, the caster can choose to make the subject take 1d6 damage per spell level in non-lethal damage.
Evocation: Gain 2 advanced simplex spells
Illusion: Gain Concealment at all times
Thaumaturgy: Any spell that is single target and requires a fortitude save, has a 50% chance to affect a foe in an adjacent square from your target.
Transmutation: Casting any transmutation spell will give the caster 3/- DR for every spell level of the spell cast until your character's next turn.
Wizard’s Masters
You’ve achieved an exceptional understanding of your chosen school of magic. All the knowledge you’ve obtained has resulted in superior practice from your chosen school. Your characters gains another +1 CL for any spell in their chosen school
Prerequisite: Wizard’s Baccalaureate
Effect: Gain a unique passive based on your school of magic.
Abjuration: If a spell is directed at your character, and you save against it, the spell is completely reflected back to the caster.
Conjuration: Summoned elementals have maximized HP
Divination: All critical hits are auto-confirmed
Enchantment: Giving new orders to a controlled creature is now a free action, receiving sensory information is now a move action, language barriers are no longer an issue.
Evocation: Select 3 evocation spells from levels 1 - 4, these will always deal an extra 5 damage dice without increasing the spell slot.
Illusion: All illusion spells are now still and silent without increasing the spell slot.
Thaumaturgy: Any healing done through thaumaturgy is shared to any allies within 15 ft.
Transmutation: Caster is under the effects of Haste at all times.