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Animal Companion

Prerequisite: Character must not have a familiar or construct
Effect: Gain an animal companion, the creature's type must be animal. This creature will gain HD as you gain HD, as well as the bonuses listed below. An animal always has 3 or less intelligence. Roll stats for your companion like you would a character or use the pre-rolled 18, 16, 14, 14, 12, 3; as your stats. Like player species, some animals get bonuses to certain stats, see the specific animal entry for information.

Devotion: If you are injured, crippled, or unconscious, your animal companion will either try to carry you away from danger, or defend your body by occupying your square against other attackers. While your animal companion is defending you, you cannot be finished off with an attack. Animals that can carry you away will prioritize that unless cornered.

Character HD Natural Armor Adj. Str/Dex Adj. Special
1st - 2nd +0 +1 Link, share spells
3rd - 4th +2 +1 Quick Feet
5th - 6th +3 +2 Devotion
7th - 8th +4 +2 Improved Shove
9th - 10th +5 +3 -
11th - 12th +6 +3 Grappler
13th -14th +7 +4 -
15th - 16th +8 +4 Improved Trample
17th - 18th +9 +5 -
19th - 20th +10 +5 -

Natural Armor Adjustment: This bonus is in addition to whatever base natural armor the creature has. So if it has a base of +2 then at level 20 the total natural armor of the creature will be +12. This stacks with Natural Armor Enhancement bonuses.