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Soma Spores

Soma Spores

[Thaumaturgy] [Positive]
Level: [Nature 4]
Components: [S], [V], and [M]
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 CL)
Effect: 25 ft. radius around target square.
Duration: 1 Round per CL
Saving Throw: Fortitude; harmless
Spell Resistance: Yes

Create a cloud of mostly invisible spores that cures any conditions the subject has and renders them immune to new ones while in the cloud. Any invisible creature is revealed while in the spores as well.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} creates a cloud of spores that cures any [*conditions*]( subjects have and renders them immune to new ones while in the cloud. Any invisible creatures are revealed while in the spores.