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Wind Buffet

Wind Buffet

[Evocation] [Air]
Level: [General 2], [Nature 2]
Components: [S]
Casting Time: 1 Swift action
Range: Personal
Effect: 20 ft. wide, 60 ft. long line originating from caster.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Your character waves their hand in a direction and blows a powerful gust of wind. All creatures in the area of the gust must make a strength check equal to 10 + PMA of the caster. If they succeed they stay in place, if not they slide back by 5 ft. and another 5 ft. for every 5 points they failed the DC by. Any caster concentrating on a spell, or in the middle of casting a spell, must make a concentration check equal to 10 + caster level.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} blows a powerful gust of wind in a chose direction. All creatures within the gust area must make a Strength Check DC [[10+@{PMA}+@{SpellProf}]]. Those who fail slide back by 5 ft. + 5 ft per 5 points they failed the DC by. Any caster in the area must also make a concentration check if they are casting a spell against the same DC.