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Verdant Avalanche

Verdant Avalanche

[Conjuration] [Positive]
Level: [Nature 9]
Components: [S], [V], and [F]
Casting Time: Full Round
Range: Long Range (400 ft. + 40 ft. per CL) @{LongRange} ft.
Effect: 2 Squares per CL [[2*@{cl}]] squares
Duration: 1 round per 4 CL [[floor(@{cl}/4)]] rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude; negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

Focus: At least a +5 focus.

Plants rapidly grow out over all the affected squares. Allies gain regeneration 80 and DR 15/- when on these squares. Enemies on these squares must make a fortitude save or have their constitution damage 1 point per round. These squares also make it possible to effectively use conceal during combat.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} grows out magical plants across many squares. When allies are on these squares they gain 80 regeneration and DR 15/-. Enemies have their constitution drained 1 point per round, fortitude negates.