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Stay Your Hand

Stay Your Hand

Force subject to be unable to use martial combat for a short time [Compulsion]
Level: [Arcane 5] [Nature 5]
Components: [S] and [V]
Casting Time: Standard
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. per CL) @{MediumRange} ft.
Effect: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round per 4 CL [[floor(@{cl}/4)]] rounds
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

On a failed save, the creature affected will not be able to make any martial attacks of any kind against anyone. Spells and other actions can be taken.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} forces a target to sheath their weapon, and they cannot make any martial attack actions for the duration. Spells and other actions can still be used.