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Spell Strike

Spell Strike

Plant a spell, or scroll, into a weapon that can trigger as an immediate action on hit. [Transmutation]
Level: [Arcane 6] [Generalist 6]
Components: [S], [V], and [M]
Casting Time: 10 minutes per spell level used
Range: Touch
Effect: 1 Weapon or missile
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Implant a spell from a spell caster or a scroll into a weapon, arrow, bullet, bolt, etc. The spell that is implanted will trigger as an immediate action on a successful hit. The spell used will work as the spell is described and will use the DC and attributes of the caster or scroll that provided it.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} places a spell into a weapon, arrow, bullet, bolt, etc. This spell will be cast as an immediate action on a successful hit. The spell will work as described by its spelladex entry. The attributes used for the spell will be as the original caster's or as described by the scroll used to provide it.