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Level: [Arcane 2], [Generalist 2]
Components: [S], [V], and [M]
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Range: Touch
Effect: 1 portal or container
Duration: Permanent or until dismissed
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Material Component: Iron filings worth at least 5 gp

Your character touches a doorway, or any kind of portal, or a container. The container becomes magically sealed. Any number of friendly targets can be set to be allowed through it. Any non-allowed creature cannot open the portal or container without breaking it. Break DCs are the base object + 8. If attacks are used the Object will gain shatter resistance equal to the casters's PMA, and HP equal to CL x 2.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} secures a container or door. Any number of allies can be selected as allowed to access. Non-allies cannot open or container without breaking it. The Break DC is base + 8. If attacks are used the object will have have shatter resistance [[@{cl}*2]]