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Level: [Universal 4]
Components: [S], [V], and [F]
Casting Time: 10 Minutes
Range: Infinite
Effect: 1 Target
Duration: 1 hour per CL; concentration @{cl} hours; concentration
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: No

Focus: A crystal ball, the type of crystal is irrelevant, worth at least 1,000 GP

You can see your target through your crystal ball, after some time your view becomes immersive. You'll know what they are saying, what they are seeing, what they are hearing, what they are physically feeling, tasting, and all their primary senses. During this time your character is completely unaware of their current surroundings. The subject will make a will save against your spell, if the subject saves the scry fails and cannot be attempted for another 24 hours. If they succeed by more than 10, they know someone attempted to scry them.

Use the following charts below to modify your scrying DC based on familiarity and possessions.

Familiarity DC Modifier
Unfamiliar -10
Passing Knowledge -5
Acquainted +0
Familiar +5
Lover/Very Close +15
Possessions DC Modifier
Picture or a very good description +2
Personal possession of Target +4
Piece of subject's body. E.g. toenail, lock of hair, a tooth, etc... +10

VTT Macro Description:
See [*Scry*]( for information, as it is a complex spell.