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Reaving Maelstrom

Reaving Maelstrom

[Thaumaturgy] [Balance]
Level: [Arcane 9] [Divine 9]
Components: [S], [V], and [F]
Casting Time: Standard
Range: Personal
Effect: 40 ft. Radius
Duration: Up to 5 rounds; concentration
Saving Throw: Will; half
Spell Resistance: Yes

Focus: At least a +5 focus.

Around the caster a deep red glow slowly fades in to fill out the area of the spell. All enemy creatures within the radius take 50 negative energy damage per round; half on save. The save can only be attempted once. A number of allied creature equal to the number of affected enemy creatures will heal for 50 or 25 health depending on the linked target. Multiple enemies can be linked to a single ally, and a link is not required to damage.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} creates a vortest of thaumic energy. This will deal 50 negative all enemies in the area, half as much for those who save. A number of allied creatures equal to the number of enemy creatures will heal 50 or 25 health depending on which is done to the linked target. Multiple enemies can be linked to a single ally, and a link is not required to damage.