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Ray Reversal

Ray Reversal

[Abjuration] [Force]
Level: [Arcane 5] [Generalist 5]
Components: [S]
Casting Time: Immediate action
Range: Personal
Effect: Self
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No

Any incoming ray or orb spells that are of 5th level or lower are automatically reflected back at the caster. Any higher level spell is subject to a caster level check 1d20 + CL from both parties. If the defender wins the spell is deflected back at the caster, if the attacker wins the orb or ray goes through. This effect lasts until the beginning of the caster's next turn.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} deflects incoming rays or orbs back at the caster for one round. If the spell cast is higher than level 5, the Caster Level Roll [[1d20+@{cl}]] result.