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Radia's Reconstitution

Radia's Reconstitution

[Thaumaturgy] [Life]
Level: [Arcane 9], [Divine 9]
Components: [S], [V], and [F]
Casting Time: 10 Minutes
Range: Touch
Effect: Creature Touched
Duration: 10 minutes per CL; concentration
Saving Throw: Will; harmless
Spell Resistance: Yes

Focus: At least a +5 Focus.

Your focus burns with white and purple flames, small sparkles of life energy form around you and pass into your target. The subject of the spell, upon any kind of 'death' will suddenly and rapidly heal and/or regenerate back into the full body and move, as if the injuries don't matter. The subject will regenerate 40d6 points of health and gain the ability to move up to their movement speed when the spell triggers while their body reforms/heals.