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Perfect Mirror

Perfect Miirror

Create a perfect mirror image of yourself that is indistinguishable. It gains an initiative and can cast up to 4th level spells. [Illusion][Figment] Level:[Arcane 9]
Components: [S], [V], and [F]
Casting Time: Full Round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 CL)
Effect: 1 flawless mirror image of the caster
Duration: 1 round per CL; concentration
Saving Throw: Will; partial
Spell Resistance: No

Focus: At least a +5 focus is required to cast this spell

A flawless figment is created of the caster. This figments will be added to the initiative just below the creator. During its turn, the flawless figment gets a move, swift, and standard action. It can attack and any attacks that hit will only deal non-lethal damage. It can also cast spells, but only up to 4th level spells. These spells are taken from the caster's spell slots, and are 100% real. If a creature is attacked or physically interacts with the figment they get a will save to identify the mirror as a copy. However, this does not prevent any spells from hurting them.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} creates a figment that is an exact copy of themself. This figment can cast up to 4th level spells on its turn, but uses the caster's spell slots to do so. It can attack physically, any hits deal non-lethal damage. A successful will save made by a creature that has physically interacted with the figment will be immune to any physical aspects of the figment, but not the spells.