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Nature's Melding

Nature's Melding

Level: [Nature 4]
Components: [S], [V], and [F]
Casting Time: 1 Full round action
Range: Personal
Effect: Self
Duration: 1 Hour per 2 CL [[floor(@{cl}/2)]] hours
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No

Focus: At least a +2 Focus

After completing the incantation and movements for the spell, your character can step into any un-worked natural stone, a tree, or any large natural object. Once in the object your character can occupy any square within the object at will, and exit the object from any square. While inside the object your character is immune to almost everything, and cannot be seen. Your character also cannot cast spells or attack while embedded in a natural object. Your character can see and hear things around the object and within seeing and hearing range. If the natural object your character has moved into is destroyed, your character will appear unharmed in the rubble. The caster can move in and out of natural objects for as long as they have time remaining on the spell.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} completes the incantation and can step into any un-worked natural stone, trees, or large natural object. Once in the object @{character_name} can occupy any square within the object at will, and exit from any square. The character is immune to almost everything while inside the object and cannot be seen. They cannot cast spells or attack while inside the natural object. They can see and hear things around the object while melded. If the natural object moves or is destroyed @{character_name} will appear unharmed in the rubble.