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Mana Dew

Mana Dew

Level: [Nature 3]
Components: [S] and [V]
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 CL) @{CloseRange} ft.
Effect: 1 Small Tree
Duration: 1 Minute per CL @{cl} minutes
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Note: This disables any spell with level [Nature] in it, even if it also belongs to another spell list if a fruit is eaten.

After completing the spell a small three-foot tall tree, akin to a sapling, sprouts from the ground. This tree glows brightly with a radius of 30 ft, and dimly for another 60 ft. It will produce one fruit per 4 CL, minimum 1 fruit. Whoever eats this fruit will have disabled nature casting for 24 hours, but restore 1d4 spell slots. These slots can be used to restore spells per day in whatever way the caster wants them to. For example if they Roll a 4, and the nature caster has spell proficiency 3, this will be 7 slots of restored spells. The caster that ate the fruit can restore a 4th level spell slot and a 3rd level spell slot, a 7th level spell slot, seven 1st level spell slots, etc...

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} summons a tree with [[{floor(@{cl}/4),1}k1]] fruits on it. When a fruit is eaten it will restore 1d4+@{spellprof} worth of spell slots, but disable the ability to cast any [Nature] spells for 24 hours.