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Malteo's Vicarious Vagrants

Malteo's Vicarious Vagrants

Level: [Arcane 9]
Components: [S], [V], and [F]
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 2 Miles per CL
Effect: 3 eyes
Duration: 2 minutes per CL; Concentration
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Focus: Requires +5 focus

Upon completion of the ritual three eyes with Superior Invisibility are formed. These eyes have Pure Vision, Fly at 200 ft. (perfect), can fit into any opening smaller than three inches in diameter, and report back all non-touch senses. So long as the caster of this spell uses the feats, Signless Spell and Soundless Spell, they can cast spells through the eyes as if they had line of sight and line of effect from the eyes. If spotted these eyes have an AC of (CL + 15) and 25 HP.