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Kimberlite Pipe

Kimberlite Pipe

[Transmutation] [Fire] [Earth]
Level: [Druid 9]
Components: [S], [V], [M], and [F]
Casting Time: 1 Full round
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft. per CL)
Effect: 60 ft. radius centered on selected target.
Duration: Instantaneous and 1 round per CL; concentration see text.
Saving Throw: Reflex Partial; see text
Spell Resistance: No and Yes, see text.

Material Component: A diamond worth 3,500 gp.

Focus: At least a +5 focus.

The Kimberlite Pipe has two effects:

Eruption: The ground within the spell's area erupts in a violent explosion, dealing 1d8 points of bludgeoning damage per caster level (maximum 20d8) to all creatures and structures within the area. A successful reflex save halves this damage. The eruption also creates difficult terrain within the area, as the ground becomes covered in rocks, debris, and diamond shards.

Diamond Vortex: The diamond shards expelled during the eruption coalesce into a swirling vortex that remains in the area for 1 round per caster level. Creatures that start their turn within the vortex or enter it for the first time on their turn take 10d6 points of slashing damage. A successful reflex save halves this damage. Spell resistance does apply to this effect of the sell.

The vortex is also a powerful barrier against magical effects. Any spell or spell-like ability with a point of origin or an effect that passes through the vortex has a 50% chance of being nullified. This effect applies to all spells and spell-like abilities, regardless of their caster level or school.

When the spell's duration ends, the diamond vortex collapses, leaving behind the difficult terrain created by the eruption.