Keened Edge
Keened Edge
Increase the critical threat range of a weapon for a while.
Level: [Arcane 3] [Generalist 3] [Nature 3]
Components: [S], [V], and [M]
Casting Time: Standard
Range: Touch
Effect: Weapon Touched
Duration: 1 Hour per CL @{cl} hours.
Saving Throw: Will; harmless
Spell Resistance: Yes
Material Component: A small piece of a whetstone
Increase the critical range of the touched weapon by 1. This does not stack with the keened imbuement.
VTT Macro Description:
*Material Component: A small piece of a whetstone*
@{character_name} touches a weapon and its edge grows sharper, and the whetstone vanishes. The critical range of the weapon
is increased by 1. This does not stack with the keened edge imbuement.