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Illusory Spell

Illusory Spell

[Illusion] [Figment]
Level: [Arcane 9]
Components: [S], [V], and [F]
Casting Time: As the spell mimicked
Range: As the spell mimicked
Effect: As the spell mimicked
Duration: As the spell mimicked
Saving Throw: Will; Disbelief
Spell Resistance: Yes

Mimic the casting and effect of any spell 8th level and lower. It will function mostly as the other spell with two changes. One change is that it will only be a will save against the illusion. The other is that any damage dealt is instead non-lethal. All secondary effects of the mimicked spell are treated as not real, though the subject will think so.

VTT Macro Description:
Use the stats and information from the spell this spell mimmics with an (Illusory) in the name.