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Ice Lance

Ice Lance

[Conjuration] [Ice]
Level: [General 6] [Nature 6]
Components: [S] and [V]
Casting Time: 1 Standard
Range: Medium (100 + 10 ft. per CL) @{MediumRange} ft.
Effect: 1 Lance of ice
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

Summon a lance of ice that is thrown at a target within range. The caster must succeed in a ranged touch attack. If it hit it deals 1d10 piercing damage per 2 CL and 1d10 per 2 CL cold damage per CL. When struck, the opponent must make an opposed shove roll against 1d20 + PMA + any shove bonuses the caster might have. If the creature/target is shoved into a wall, they will be pinned to it. A strength check DC 16 is required to break free.

VTT Macro Description set to Utility:
@{character_name} attacks with a [[1d20+@{MagicTouchAttack}+(0?{Do you have any miscellaneous bonuses?|0})]] to hit. The subject will take [[[[floor(@{cl}/2)]]d10+(floor(@{cl}/2)*@{SpellProf})]] piercing damage and [[[[floor(@{cl}/2)]]d10+(floor(@{cl}/2)*@{SpellProf})]] cold damage. The target must roll oppose shove against [[1d20+@{PMA}+(0?{Do you have any miscellaneous bonuses?|0})]]. If the target gets shoved into a wall, they become pinned. Strength DC 16.