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Golden Rays

Golden Rays

[Evocation] [Fire]
Level: [Nature 3], [Divine 3]
Components: [S], [F]
Casting Time: 1 Standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. per CL) @{MediumRange} ft.
Effect: 1 Ray + 1 Ray per 6 CL [[1+floor(@{cl}/6]] Rays
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: Yes

Focus: A +1 Focus of any kind

Any time during the day your character can draw the energy of the sun in, even if underground, and burn away their foes. For each ray the caster can make a ranged touch attack. If this ranged touch attack his it will deal 1d8 per CL (Max 5d8) heat damage. If the targeted creature is undead the number of dice is doubled.

VTT Macro Description (Set as a utility):
@{character_name} fires off multiple rays dealing heat damage per ray:
1st Ray [[1d20+@{MagicTouchAttack}+(0?{Do you have any miscellaneous bonuses?|0})]] to hit and [[[[{@{cl},5}kl1]]d8+([[{@{cl},5}kl1]]*@{SpellProf})]] heat damage

VTT Damage per Ray Formula: [[[[{@{cl},5}kl1]]d8+([[{@{cl},5}kl1]]*@{SpellProf})]]
VTT Attack Formula [[1d20+@{MagicTouchAttack}+(0?{Do you have any miscellaneous bonuses?|0})]]