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Floral Artillery

Floral Artillery

[Conjuration] [Life]
Level: [Nature 2]
Components: [S], [V], and [M]
Casting Time: 1 Standard action
Range: 30 ft. radius
Effect: Creates 1 floral artillery entity +1 per 8 HD [[1+floor(@{HD}/8)]] plants
Duration: 1 round per CL @{cl} rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude
Spell Resistance: No

Material Component: A viable plant seed per plant weapon

You create a plant based weapon within 30 feet of your character. This plant based weapon cannot move, has a 15 AC and 10 HP. These weapons cannot make reflex saves, are immune to anything requiring a Will save, and get no bonuses to fortitude saves. Every round on your turn, it can fire a single barb at an enemy within 30 feet of it. This barb is a normal ranged attack using CL+PMA as its attack bonus. Each barb deals 3d6 Acid damage.

Spell Description:

@{character_name} Summons some stationary floral plants. These plants have 15 AC and 10 HP. They cannot make reflex saves, are immune to anything that requires a will save, and get no bonuses to fortitude saves. Every round on your turn, every flower can make an attack against a foe within 30 feet of it. This barb is a normal ranged attack and will deal 3d6 acid damage.

Custom Macro: Floral Artillery Attacks for [[1d20+@{cl}+@{PMA}+@{SpellProf}+@{FocusEnch}]] to hit and deals [[3d6+(3*@{SpellProf})]] acid damage