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Flesh to Bomb

Flesh to Bomb

Level: [Arcane 8] [Generalist 8]
Components: [S], [V], and [F]
Casting Time: Standard
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. per CL) @{MediumRange} ft.
Effect: 1 Creature + 30 ft. radius
Duration: 3 rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude; negates and Reflex; half
Spell Resistance: Yes

A fleshy target is selected and needs to make a fortitude save when targeted with the spell If they fail the save, one of their limbs will start to slowly glow and pulsate. After three rounds it will explode dealing 1d10 force damage to the target. Any creatures within 30 ft. of the target will take the same damage as bludgeoning damage; reflex for half. The target afterward is left with a missing limb and a deep gash.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} designates a fleshy target. This target must make a fortitude save or have a limb started to glow and pulsate. After 3 rounds the limb will explode dealing force damage to the target. Creatures within 30 ft. take an equivalent amount of damage; reflex for half. Original target loses a limb and gains [*deep gash*](

VTT Number of Dice formula: [[@{cl}]]