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Energy Flux Grand

Energy Flux, Grand

Level: [Arcane 6] [Generalist 6]
Components: [S]
Casting Time: Immediate
Range: Personal, 20 ft.
Effect: Self, up to 1 creature within range
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex; half
Spell Resistance: No

Your character reacts instantly to turn their body into a conduit for incoming, Cold, Corrosive, Desiccation, Electric, Heat, or Sonic. This will mitigate 20 points of incoming damage per CL. Half of the absorbed damage must be directed to a square within a 20 ft. radius of your character. If this square has a creature in it, they get a reflex save for half damage.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} absorbs the incoming ?{Incoming Energy Type?}, up to [[@{cl}*20]] points, and redirects half of the energy to a square within 20 ft. If a creature is in that square, reflex save for half.