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Energy Emulsion

Energy Emulsion

[Transmutation] [Multi-element]
Level: [Arcane 9]
Components: [S]. [V]. and [F]
Casting Time: 1 Full round
Range: Personal
Effect: Self
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No

Focus: At least a +5 focus.

The caster becomes part elemental and incorporeal for the duration of the spell. The applicable energy types are Cold, Corrosive, Desiccation, Electric, Force, Heat, or Sonic. While in this form the caster gains fly speed 90 ft. (Perfect). During this effect the caster can move through occupied enemy squares. These creatures will take 1d8 per CL of the selected energy damage, reflex for half. Attacks made against the caster will take 3d6 retaliation damage of the same energy type. The caster will absorb the selected energy and be vulnerable to the opposite to the opposite energy.

Note: When taking this as a known spell, or adding it to your spell book, the energy must be specified, and cannot be changed after it is known or in your spell book.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} becomes part elemental and is incorporeal for the duration. They gain 90 ft. (Perfect) flying. @{character_name} can now move through enemy squares. When doing so the targets must make a reflex save for half damage. Attacks made against the attacker are subject to retaliation damage. Caster is immune to the selected energy type, and vulnerable to the opposing energy type.

VTT Number of Dice formula: [[@{cl}]]

VTT Side Macro:
&{template:custom}{{title=Retaliation}}{{subtitle=@{character_name}}}{{desc=[[3d6+(@{SpellProf}*3)]] energy damage}}