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Double Time

Double Time

Level: [Arcane 1], [Divine 1], [Generalist 1]
Components: [S] and [V]
Casting Time: 1 Standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft per 2 CL) @{CloseRange} ft.
Effect: 1 Targeted creature in range
Duration: 1 round per CL @{cl} rounds
Saving Throw: Will; harmless
Spell Resistance: Yes; harmless

As you touch your target they seem to end up with a limberness to them that they didn't have before. Subjects of this spell gain +30 to their ground speed for the duration. This does not increase the speed of any other movement type.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} causes their target to feel envigorated and give them a bit of pep in their step. The subject of the spell gains +30 to their ground speed for the duration.