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Chaos Orb

Chaos Orb

[Conjuration] [Multi-Element]
Level: [Arcane 7]
Components: [S]
Casting Time: 1 Standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 CL) @{CloseRange} ft.
Effect: 1 orb
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Select five element types upon creation of the spell and that combination becomes the spell in your book or taken as an intuitive spell. Conjurers, on the other hand, know all combinations. Energy types applicable here are-- Cold, Corrosive, Dessication, Electric, Entropic, Force, Heat, Negative, Positive, and Sonic. The orb deals 4d6 of each selected type of damage, for a total of 20d6 damage.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} combines several energies into an orb and tosses it at their foe with a [[1d20+@{MagicTouchAttack}+(0?{Do you have any miscellaneous bonuses?|0})]] against touch AC. Applicable energy types are Cold, Corrosive, Dessication, Electric, Entropic, Force, Heat, Negative, Positive, and Sonic.

The orb deals:
[[4d6+(4*@{spellprof})]] ?{Energy 1?} Damage,
[[4d6+(4*@{spellprof})]] ?{Energy 2?} Damage,
[[4d6+(4*@{spellprof})]] ?{Energy 3?} Damage,
[[4d6+(4*@{spellprof})]] ?{Energy 4?} Damage, and
[[4d6+(4*@{spellprof})]] ?{Energy 5?} Damage.

Set this spell as a utility spell.