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Breathweave Barrier

Breathweave Barrier

Level: [Universal 4]
Components: [S]
Casting Time: Swift Action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. per CL) @{MediumRange} ft.
Effect: 5 square feet + 5 square feet per 2 CL [[5+(floor(@{cl}/2)*5)]] Sq. ft.
Duration: 1 minute or until next breath weapon also 2 + 1 round per 2 CL 1 Minute or until next breath weapon; [[2+floor(@{cl}/2)]] rounds.
Saving Throw: Reflex; Half
Spell Resistance: No

This spell requires a breath weapon

The caster releases their breath weapon at a chosen point on the ground and sweeps it in the shape they want the barrier to have. From the point of origin to the destination point, a barrier is formed composed of the breath weapon's energy type. Any creature in the line of the barrier upon its creation or attempts to pass through the barrier afterward will receive damage as though they were hit with the breath weapon unless they succeed on a Reflex saving throw, in which case they take half that damage rounded up. Unlike normal breath weapons when this is used spell proficiency will apply.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name}'s breath weapon becomes a barrier that deals it's damage if a square is entered. A reflex save is allowed if the barrier is created on an occupied square, for half damage. When this spell is applied to a breath weapon, the breath weapon will apply spell proficiency.