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Blood Circle

Blood Circle

[Thaumaturgy] [Death]
Level: [Arcane 4]
Components: [S] and [V]
Casting Time: 1 Standard action
Range: Personal Target: 30 ft. radius centered on caster
Duration: 1 round per CL @{cl} rounds.
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

Your character makes a cut on their body and the blood drains from your character onto the ground. It quickly creates a magical circle of runes around them. The caster takes 3d6 bleeding damage. Whenever enemies in the circle is injured with piercing or slashing damage, they take 3d6 bleed damage and allies heal an equal amount.

VTT Macro Description (Set to Utility):
@{character_name} deals [[3d6+(@{SpellProf}*3)]] bleeding damage to themselves. This creates a 30 ft. radius around @{character_name} where in whenever an enemy takes slashing or piercing damage, they also take 3d8 bleeding damage. In turn allies heal the same amount done.

VTT Side Macro:
&{template:custom}{{title=Blood Circle}}{{subtitle=Life Drain}}{{Bleed Damage=[[3d6+(@{SpellProf}*3)]]}}{{desc=An equal amount is healed to allies in the circle}}