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Area Denial

Area Denial

Turn squares into traps that deal energy damage [Evocation] [Multi-Elemental]
Level: [Arcane 5] [Generalist 5]
Components: [S] and [V]
Casting Time: Standard
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. per CL) @{MediumRange} ft.
Effect: 1 Square per 3 CL [[floor(@{cl}/3)]] squares
Duration: 1 round per CL @{cl} rounds
Saving Throw: Reflex for half
Spell Resistance: Yes

Select which squares are affected, they do not have to be touching. If any creature entered a targeted square they will take 1d8 energy damage, reflex save for half. These squares cannot be seen by non-allied creatures without making a DC 13 + CL + Spell Proficiency spot check.

When taking this as a known spell, or adding it to your spell book, the energy must be specified, and cannot be changed after it is known or in your spell book.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} makes a number of squares into deadly traps. Any Creature that steps on one will take energy damage with a reflex save for half. These squares cannot be seen by non-allied creatures without making a DC [[13+@{cl}+@{SpellProf}]] Spot Check.

VTT Side Macro:
&{template:custom}{{title=Area Denial}}{{subtitle=@{character_name}}}{{Reflex Save=DC [[15+@{pma}+@{SpellProf}]]; half}} {{desc=The creature takes [[@{cl}d8+(@{cl}*@{SpellProf})]] (Chosen energy damage)}}