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Animate Object

Animate Object

[Thaumaturgy] [Life]
Level: [Arcane 3]
Components: [S] and [V]
Casting Time: 1 Full round
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. per CL) @{MediumRange} ft.
Effect: 1 Object of small to large size
Duration: 1 round per CL; Concentration @{cl} rounds; concentration
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No

Your character imbues a nearby object with a large amount of raw positive energy. The object will then spring to life and act mostly of its own accord. It will keep the caster of the spell safe, and attack those aggressive to the caster. This object will have (1/2 CL x PMA) health and an AC of (10 + PMA). They will use the caster's reflex save, but are immune to almost all spells that require a fortitude save or will save. They can slam into opponents, they will do this with a 1d20 + (CL + Spell Proficiency + PMA + Focus Bonus) to hit. The damage will vary depending on size. 1d4 + PMA for small, 1d8 + PMA for medium, and 2d8 + PMA for large.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} directs positive energy into a nearby object. The object will defend the caster and attack the nearest foes. It will have [[floor(@{cl}/2)*@{PMA}]] Health and an AC of [[10+@{PMA}]]. This object will use the caster's reflex save but are immune to almost all other spells that require a fortitude or will save. These objects can slam into opponents once a round: Attack: [[1d20+@{cl}+@{SpellProf}+@{PMA}+@{FocusEnch}]] to hit Damage: [[?{1d4, 1d8, or 2d8?}+@{PMA}]] Bludeoning damage.