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Adamant Barrier

Adamant Barrier

Apply a powerful ward to a touched creature. [Abjuration] [Force]
Level: [Arcana 5], [Divine 5], [Generalist 5]
Components: [S] and [V]
Casting Time: 1 Standard action
Range: Touch
Effect: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute per CL or until depleted @{cl} minutes or until depleted
Saving Throw: Will; harmless
Spell Resistance: No

You recite your incantations and a barrier forms over your body warding you from damage. This ward will have 2d6 per CL and absorbs all types of damage.

VTT Macro Description:
@{character_name} completes the spell and is surrounded by a shimmering ward that prevents incoming damage.

VTT Number of Dice formula: [[2*@{cl}]]