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There are many species across the world of Korrenth and they all have their own strengths and weaknesses. Some will have sexually dimorphic heights and weights; others will not. It is important to bear in mind what a species might be naturally inclined to, if one seeks to make a more integrated and logical character. As is with everything in defined though, there is no exact way to build a character.


Acute Hearing: Species with this are always listening with a 10 + total listen modifier. Any listen check lower than this value is automatically heard.

Attribute Modification: These are the permanent bonuses or penalties the species gets to its attributes.

Blind-sight: This is a sense that allows a creature to perceive with all senses of vibrations, not just through their feet. They can see any creature even if their eyes are removed if they have blight-sight. The range of this will be specified. Typically, it's another organ giving them this sense, if that organ is removed it'll remove the blind-sight.

Damage Reduction: A value that subtracted from incoming physical damage, except bleed and crush, per hit. It is organized like X/- or X/Thing. Whatever is behind the / is what bypasses the damage reduction, with /- not getting bypassed by anything.

Dark Vision: This allows the species to see in the dark out to the specified value, no light sources needed.

Low-light Vision: With low-light vision a species gets double the utility out of light sources. If a light source grants a bright light of 20 ft., a species with low-light will instead perceive it as 40 ft. of bright light.

Mystic: A mystic species gains an extra ability at first level.

Natural Armor: If a species has a tough hide, they might have a higher natural armor than +0, if so, it will be specified as to how much. This stacks with natural armor enhancement bonuses.

Savant: A savant species gains an extra secondary definition at first level.

Scent: Can track with scent via the use of the bushcraft skill

Size: This is how large the creature is and affects their AC, grapple modifiers, the size of weapons they can use, and a few other things. See Size Modifiers

Speed: Speed is the amount of distance a creature can move for their move action in combat. Some species have fly speeds, which will apply when flying.

Versatile: A versatile species gains a bonus feat at first level and +1 skill growth.


Art by Sapho@Twitter


Colibri are a small species of anthropomorphic humming birds. They are often quite colorful in the correct lights. There are many color patterns colibri might have. In general the males are always brighter than the females, though since their plumage typically resembles flowers, the difference is not that big.

As a globally common species to Korrenth, the colibri typically find their homes in temperate and tropical zones. This means that there is a large number of kingdoms that they can hail from. They quickly adapt to local lanugage so they do not have a language set of their own.

Many colibri specializes in nature magic, as their culture tends to revolve around growing large flower gardens. They often have a reputation for being excellent suppliers of honey, nectar, and fruit. Many colibri gardens rely on friendly local species that are tougher and more robust than themselves to serve as guards.

Height and Weight Info

Height: 2'2" + 3d4 inches
Weight: 22 + (Height roll x 3)

Creation Information

Size: Small
Attribute Modifications: -2 Constitution and +2 Intelligence.
Speed: 20 ft.
Special: Savant and fly speed 40 ft. (Perfect)


Art by Mab@Twitter


These are large heavy bodied lizard folk with non-overlapping scales. Long tooth-filled muzzles on their faces, deep brown and gold eyes, and a deceptively friendly look, are the hallmarks of this species. Black, olive, green, and grey scales are typical for crockokin. Their tails are heavy and often have spine-like scales along the dorsal side of it.

Living only in shallow waters, crockokin are typically found on interior river systems and large deltas. As such, they find themselves living alongside a lot of other species that occupy similar locations. They can range from being docile and jovial to aggressive and difficult to be around. Either way when a crockokin gets violent, they aren’t shy about finishing a fight.

Being that crockokin have a reputation for excelling in violent actions, many crockokin find work patrolling rivers, lakes, and swamps. A sturdy body and strong constitution give them the ability to do this with extreme efficiency. Most of the time, people are a bit nervous to be around them.

Height and Weight Info

Height (Male): 5'10" + 3d6 inches
Height (Female): 6'0" + 3d6 inches
Weight (Male): 195 lbs. + (Height roll x 5)
Weight (Female): 205 lbs. + (Height roll x 5)

Creation Information

Size: Medium
Attribute Modifications: +2 Strength and -2 Charisma.
Speed 30 ft.
Special: Versatile, swim speed 30 ft., and natural armor +2.


Always be willing to build a custom species with any player should they desire it. Typically, the patterns are Ability scores +4, -2, as well as a progression bonus. e.g. Versatile, Savant, or Mystic. Sometimes the ability scores will be less due to extra features; like flying or natural armor. Other times extra bonuses are also given, like dark vision, but this is underwhelming enough not to reduce another bonus.


Art by Mab@Twitter


Thin graceful humanoids with an air of timelessness about them. These black-blooded fairies are the most common type on Korrenth. They have skin tones like that of humans. Pointed ears, high cheekbones, and an aloof demeanor are all traits' elves typically have. Many times, they prefer beauty to all else. This results in the males and the females being difficult to tell apart if they are clothed. If elves wear clothing, they prefer airy light clothing that lets them enjoy the nature around them.

Elves live all over Korrenth, typically in the metropolitan centers of kingdoms and nations. While this is contrary to what people think of elves, many of them only pretend to be in tuned to what other’s call ‘nature.’ They are best described as, “City Fairies.” rather than imagining them living in forest communes. There is not a city on Korrenth without a strong elf community.

Across all Korrenth many fine jewelry, magical trinkets, and luxury clothing are made by elves. They are one of the better-known cultures for exquisitely crafted goods. Their quick reflexes and grace also lend them to being exceptionally good in many clandestine professions. Most are also good with a bow.

Height and Weight Info

Height (Male): 4'8" + 2d6 inches
Height (Female): 4'4" + 2d6 inches
Weight (Male): 95 lbs. + (Height roll x 3)
Weight (Female): 80 lbs. + (Height roll x 3)

Creation Information

Size: Medium
Attribute Modifications: +4 Dexterity and -2 Constitution.
Speed: 40 ft.
Special: Versatile and low-light vision.

Goblin, Estrellan

Art by Mab@Twitter


These goblins are short, black blooded, orange skinned, with broad and pointy ears. Sometimes they have dark orange markings on their cheek bones. Typically, clean, well-organized, and pragmatically dressed, Estrellan goblins defy many stereotypes of goblins. Typically, this variation often has black, silver, or white hair. Most people note that Estrellan goblins lack the spark of lunacy mainland goblins have in their eyes.

There is only one location on Korrenth that has any notable population of Estrellan goblins. It might come as no surprise that this would be the Republic of Estrella. These unique goblins live within the Rim region of the republic and cheerfully live in their caves and slot canyons. Sometimes they do stray beyond Estrella as they might seek a life away from their clan.

Machinery is the core of Estrellan goblin culture. The only technology being developed on Korrenth at any reasonably quick rate is with Estrellan goblins. Odd mechanical devices for esoteric tasks are their stock-in-trade. With sharp minds they serve well in academic, arcane, and any other roll where quick wit is necessary. They aren’t particularly strong though.

Height and Weight Info

Height: 2'6" + 3d4 inches
Weight: 40 + (Height roll x 3)

Creation Information

Size: Small
Attribute Modifications: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, and +2 Intelligence.
Speed: 30 ft.
Special: Versatile and Automatically proficient with goblin weaponry.

Goblin, Mainland

No Art@None


Small green, black-blooded fairies, these goblins also have broad pointed ears. Often times they are covered in warts and do not have the best hygiene. Whatever scraps of clothing will do for these shameless goblins. Like their Estrellan cousins they too have black, silver, grey, or white hair.

Mainland goblins do not typically live near major population centers. Their raucous behavior, poor hygiene, and shameless attitudes often put them at odds with most populations. With that said, they live in small communities typically in remote areas where the reach of a kingdom’s law is very weak. They will especially favor it if it is along a trade route where they can opportunistically obtain resources for their clan.

Their natural skill set makes mainland goblins excellent highwaymen, raiders, and thieves. Their impulsive and short-term thinking leads them to these types of professions almost universally. Occasionally there might be a mainland goblin well organized enough to work and live among other species.

Height and Weight Info

Height: 2'6" + 3d4 inches
Weight: 40 + (Height roll x 3)

Creation Information

Size: Small
Attribute Modifications: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, and -2 Intelligence.
Speed: 30 ft.
Special: Versatile


Art by Mab@Twitter


Gaunt, wiry, and lanky, the ha-seht have the image of mythical beings. Solid black or gold fur are the two typical colors of a ha-seht's coat. Long, tall, pointed ears adorn their canine heads and faces. A unique feature of the ha-seht is that they have solid colored eyes, no sclera or pupils. Whatever color their eyes are, they will glow dimly, typically only noticeable at night. They appear, and indeed are, more frail than other species. Their attire ranges from very modest desert-style robes and hoods to wearing nothing at all. Ha-seht do not have any sense of human modesty.

Legend states that the ha-seht were the first sapient species to exist on Korrenth. Much of the study into the subject would agree. While many cultures of ha-seht exist, the main culture are the Uiej (wɛd͡ʒ). This is a highly metropolitan culture of ha-seht that strongly worship a religion centered around their gods of life and death. The ha-seht are, in general, abrasive and ethnocentric. They tend to get into a lot of family feuds over silly things, though this rarely escalated beyond squabbling. At the personal level they act like dogs act and are not ashamed of it.

With an excellent sense of self and good hands, the ha-seht make for top-notch magus around Korrenth. They all have some sort of natural inborn magic, even if only a single trick, as such they always have something interesting to bring to the table in any organization. Given their frail forms they do not often prefer front line combat. Sensitive ears allow them to remain alert to interesting sounds at all times.

Height and Weight Info

Height (Male): 5'4" + 4d6 inches
Height (Female): 5'0" + 2d10 inches
Weight (Male): 100 + (Height roll x 6)
Weight (Female): 75 + (Height roll x 5)

Creation Information

Size: Medium
Attribute Modifications: +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, and +2 Charisma
Speed: 30 ft.
Special: Mystic, Scent, and Acute Hearing

Hawk Fairy

Art by Solywyn@Deviant Art


These fairies look vaguely like tarantula hawks, in that they have curled segmented antenna, jet black skin, and orange wasp-wings. When the light hits a hawk fairy just right a skeleton pattern can be seen on their body as a blue-shimmer. Their hair colors are typically red, orange, or yellow. Clothing that allows for maximal maneuvering are preferred, typically outfits that are pragmatic.

Found in most of the desert, semidesert, and steppe areas of Korrenth, hawk fairies are famous for leaving their children in the care of others. No sense of community within the species exists. Instead, the hawk fairies find themselves at home among strangers and foreigners, typically only finding other hawk fairies for procreative purposes. This kind of lifestyle is what feels natural to them, and they have difficulty building long term friendships with anyone. If a friendship is struck though, a hawk fairy is an ally for life.

Their keen senses which allow them to detect even tiny vibrations in the air, ground, or whatever is around them, stem from their antenna. This awareness makes them one of the better physical species in Korrenth, even despite their small stature. When flying they are not very stealthy, but on food they favor the art of surprise. Many hawk moths find work as trackers, bounty hunters, or bodyguards.

Height and Weight Info

Height: 2'4" + 3d4 inches
Weight: 25 + (Height roll x 3)

Creation Information

Size: Small
Attribute Modifications: -2 Intelligence
Speed: 20 ft.
Special: Versatile, Fly Speed 60 (Average), Blind-sight 60 ft.


Art by Mab@Twitter


A ubiquitous species found on every corner of Korrenth. Humans need no real introduction in appearances. Local cultures, environments, and climates will determine how humans tend to look or dress. Fashion and styles always tend on the side of conservative, especially compared to the beastfolk and elves or Korrenth.

Humans love their cities, and tend to live densely at metropolitan centers. Innately curiosity, territorial, and tribal, humans tend to find themselves at the center of many conflicts probably caused byt one of the aforementioned traits. In many cities humans actually create the surrounding culture that other species follow along with or attach to. There isn’t a position in society humans cannot find themselves in.

Many professions interest humans, as they have a decent skill set. Natural proclivities make humans very good for administrative tasks, acting, entertaining, arcana, and religious careers. They have no unique advantages for physical combat, but often pick up on skills and techniques rather easily.

Height and Weight Info

Height (Male): 4'10" + 4d6 inches
Height (Female): 4'5" + 2d10 inches
Weight (Male): 105 + (Height roll x 6)
Weight (Female): 80 + (Height roll x 5)

Creation Information

Size: Medium
Attribute Modifications: +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, and +2 Charisma
Speed: 30 ft.
Special: Versitile


Art by FatGrampa@Fur Affinity


Kobolds are small humanoid reptilian creatures with dragon-like muzzles, teeth, and horns. Scale colors vary quite a bit, but often match the overlord dragon they typically serve. Often their frames are wiry and light. Despite this they are quite a bit heavier than their appearance might imply. Quite a bit of variation can exist between clans of kobolds so some might have unique traits.

Servitude is the mantra of the kobolds of Korrenth. Many kobolds serve a dragon overlord or, rarely some other kind of leader. They do whatever their tasks are gleefully and without much question. Their skills are often focused on whatever the clan specializes in, often mining. A culture of kobolds does exist that does not have an overlord. These are the Freeclaw kobolds and have a diverse range of differing expertise.

Depending on where they come from, a kobold will have different sets of skills. Very few find themselves in the life of being any kind of warrior, mage, or adventurer. Those that do find themselves best suited to hit-and-run tactics or using the environment to their advantage. While small, they aren’t as frail as they appear.

Height and Weight Info

Height: 2'2" + 3d4 inches
Weight: 35 + (Height roll x 3)

Creation Information

Size: Small
Attribute Modifications: +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom.
Speed: 30 ft.
Special: Dark Vision 120 ft., Savant, and Natural Armor +2



These humanoid felines come in all sorts of colors and variations. All of them do have the general look of domesticated house cats. Their clothing varies from region to region, often they wear less than their human counterparts as they have fur to keep them warm. Much like elves, they have an aloof demeanor, though the koshka are more standoffish than elves are.

The colder regions of Korrenth attract the koshka. They aren’t a species that likes things to be too tropical or too hot, both are a no-go. In these regions variations of koshka often live in both rural and urban areas. They often adopt their own local culture in spite of any other culture they are in. Sometimes they can be difficult and hard to coexist with.

Koska are dexterous and attractive in their natural talents. However, they are also prone to make bad decisions. This will often land them at odds with local law enforcement wherever they live. It is most common to find koshka as petty thieves and burglars. Though as with any species most will end up in normal professions.

Height and Weight Info

Height (Male): 4'10" + 4d6 inches
Height (Female): 4'5" + 5d4 inches
Weight (Male): 105 + (Height roll x 5)
Weight (Female): 80 + (Height roll x 4)

Creation Information

Size: Medium
Attribute Modifications: +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, and +2 Charisma.
Speed: 30 ft.
Special: Low-light vision, Acute Hearing, and skill growth +1


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These lean humanoid hares or rabbits are notable for living in broad open grasslands of whatever kingdom they end up in. The wear loose fit clothing that allows for maximal mobility. The heaviness of these flowing outfits will be dependent on the climate. They all have digitigrade feet with powerful leg muscles. They have many fur patterns but most of the time they are tan, dusty, grey, or white. It is not uncommon for them to have patches or splotches of other earthy tones in their fur.

The Lapisar tend to have a nomadic lifestyle. Many of them live in large communes where they will travel around selling their handmade goods, hides, meats, or whatever they harvest, to the towns they show up in. This is not to say all of them do this. Some run large ranches or wide farmlands where they tend to farm with a level of care other cultures have yet to accomplish. They are not known for being the smartest folk, but they are dedicated to whatever they find themselves doing.

Many Lapisar will find themselves working a life of a tradesman, rancher, or hunter. However, they do make for excellent archers, trackers, snipers, and several other scouting roles in many military outfits. Due to their fast reflexes, herbaceous diet, and overland speed, many mercenary outfits seek lapisar for forward scouting ground.

Height and Weight Info

Height (Male): 5'4" + 2d10 inches
Height (Female): 4'6" + 2d10 inches
Weight (Male): 115 + (Height roll x 5)
Weight (Female): 80 + (Height roll x 5)

Creation Information

Size: Medium
Attribute Modifications: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence.
Speed: 40 ft.
Special: Acute Hearing, Savant, and Scent


Art by Sushi@FurAffinity


A tall spindly species of spider-folk. They have a large variety of colors, patterns, and shapes. They have a very sunny disposition and are extremely friendly to other cultures. They have four extra limbs with retractable claws coming out of their back. This aids them in climbing, mundane tasks, as well as grappling. All makadi have multiple glowing eyes in various arrangements on their heads. Females tend to be heavier bodied and are avoided by males of their species.

The kingdom of Shangri-La is a kingdom of Deserts, jungles, and mountains. Many trade routes stem out of this kingdom, and along these trade routes, and the kingdom, are where the makadi will be found. Most will find themselves in capital cities of other kingdoms and nations as well to establish trade offices.

The makadi are often not trusted by humans and other cultures due to their inherently dangerous appearance. This is despite them being a friendly bunch. They are excellent warriors, guards, and anything that extra limbs can help with.

Height and Weight Info

Height (Male): 5'8" + 4d6 inches
Height (Female): 5'10" + 4d6 inches
Weight (Male): 135 + (Height roll x 4)
Weight (Female): 150 + (Height roll x 5)

Creation Information

Size: Medium
Attribute Modifications: +2 Strength and -2 Charisma
Speed: 30 ft.
Special: Mystic, Climb Speed 30 ft., Tremor sense 20 ft, and a +4 species bonus to grapples.


Art Pending


Slender, graceful, and otherworldly; nourilings are the keepers of forests. These long haired, pointy eared, fairies fit the bill for what a child might think of as a fairy in many regards. Like elves, nourilings also have black blood Pale porcelain-like skin, often with or red markings is contrasted against dark black, brown, or burgundy fur around their necks, ankles and wrists. On their heads are long elegant moth antenna. Solid eyes of any color imaginable add to their feyish appearance. Often, they dress in flowing silk garments. However, it is not uncommon for them to show more skin than other species. Jewelry that glows or gives off light are a preferred fashion among nourilings, especially necklaces and earrings.

Found throughout the entire continent of Coreda, nourilings make communities in almost any temperate forest. It is very common for nouriling communities to have decent relationships with nearby towns and cities. They see other species's cities as the natural course of their behavior. However, no nouriling will give a kingdom or king any fealty. This has lead to some conflicts and violence in the past. A common tension, if not outright hatred is given to elves by the nourilings. They are quite amiable to all the other species of Korrenth.

Hives of tendlings vary wildly in how they tend to and cultivate their forests. Most take a largely level handed approach and are unlikely to be hostile without cause. With natural magics and defenses, coupled with their nearly inescapable antenna, makes them a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to professional growth and skill sets.

Height and Weight Info

Height (Male): 5'2" + 3d6 inches
Height (Female): 4'5" + 3d6 inches
Weight (Male): 100 + (Height roll x 3)
Weight (Female): 90 + (Height roll x 3)

Creation Information

Size: Medium
Attribute Modification Male: None
Speed: 30 ft.
Special: Blind-sight 30 ft., Damage Reduction 5/Pure Iron (Damage Reduction 10/Pure Iron at HD 12), Mystic, and Natural Armor +2.


Art Pending


An ancient species found typically within the borders of the nation of Xi'Zhou. They often live in small communities in rural areas. The hustle and bustle of politics and city life tends to make this often peaceful species very nervous. In looks they are humanoid that is a cross between primarily a deer and dragon, with some horse like traits. A mixture of scales and long flowing fur cover their bodies. On their heads are elegant horns that resemble antlers. The older the Qilin the more elegant they look.

They are a very sexually dimorphic species and the males and females are trivial to differentiate. The males always have light colored scales and fur, the females have dark-colored scales and fur. The males will have a more obvious muscle density and stand quite tall. The females are more slender and graceful, often quite a bit shorter than the males.

All Qilin are born with an in-born element from the following list: Air, Death, Earth, Fire, Force, Ice, Life, Void, or Water. They will spend their lives mastering this energy-type like they would any other type. As a result all Qilin start with the Draconic Bloodline secondary definition. Many Qilin find it deeply meditative to work on and perfect their preferred energy type.

Height and Weight Info

Height (Male): 5'6" + 4d6 inches
Height (Female): 5'0" + 3d6 inches
Weight (Male): 160 + (Height roll x 6)
Weight (Female): 90 + (Height roll x 5)

Creation Information

Size: Medium
Attribute Modification Male: +2 Str, -2 Wis, and +2 Cha
Attribute Modification Female: +2 Dex, -2 Con, and +2 Cha
Speed: 30 ft.
Special: Mystic, Start with Draconic Bloodline secondary definition, and +1 natural armor.


Art by Sapho@Twitter


Overlapping sleek scales cover the lanky frames of these tall lizard-folk. They have long prehensile tails, long sharp closed, and a thing long muzzle. A very wide range of colors and patterns of scales are possible. They have a notably long forked tongue they use to sniff with.

Varanukin are arboreal lizard-folk, so they live where they can climb. Typically, this is in tropical or heavily forested areas. In some of the huge cities on Korrenth where there are towering structures, they can find a home. However, as they are exothermic, they avoid any areas with harsh winters or a general lack of sunshine.

These sturdy and robust lizard folk are agile and can climb up surfaces with ease. Like humans, they occupy many roles in society, though they tend to avoid roles that require them to have a strong presence. Many varanukin prefer front-line positions in combat due to their scales and general sturdiness.

Height and Weight Info

Height: 6'2" + 3d6 inches
Weight: 190 lbs. + (Height roll x 5)

Creation Information

Size: Medium
Attribute Modifications: +2 Dexterity and -2 Charisma.
Speed: 30 ft.
Special: Versatile, Climb Speed 30 ft., Natural Armor +2, and Scent.

Winged Elf

Art by FatGrampa@Fur Affinity


These lightweight elves have hawk-like wings on their back and can use them. Winged elves have paler skin than their grounded cousins, but also share black blood with them. While they are slightly lighter and shorter than normal elves, they do not look skinnier. Hollow bones are what make them lighter. Their wings are always hawk-like, though the patterning varies from clan to clan.

Very few clans of winged elves exist across Korrenth. They occupy purpose-built cities carved into tall mountains or cliffs. Typically, they avoid other cultures, as their xenophobic attitudes often bring them into conflict with other species. It is not unheard of to see one or two winged elves in major cities though, typically as students or professors.

Due to their hollow bones, winged elves are a bit more fragile than other species. Unlike their grounded cousins, winged elves are not as nimble or quick with their hands. They are proud people who do produce some of the finest works of art, architecture, and magic on Korrenth. A notable skill of the winged elf cultures is their ability to readily build bridges in mountain passes. Mostly for their own trade routes, but it helps everyone around them.

Height and Weight Info

Height (Male): 4'6" + 2d6 inches
Height (Female): 4'2" + 2d6 inches
Weight (Male): 85 lbs. + (Height roll x 3)
Weight (Female): 70 lbs. + (Height roll x 3)

Creation Information

Size: Medium
Attribute Modifications: +2 Dexterity and -2 Constitution.
Speed: 30 ft.
Special: Versatile, fly speed 60 ft. (Average), and Low-Light Vision


Credit Here eventually@Domain


These servals appear uninteresting at first glance. Large and leopard-like, it would be very reasonable to assume that it was nothing more than a large cat of some sort. However, on closer look, intelligent eyes hint at something deeper than the mind of a wild animal./ Zhìbào are usually seen in their quadrapedal, "Cat," form. They can, however, switch into a human-like form that resembles a koshka but with wildcat like fur patterns.

The zhìbào have a loose culture and do not have very many unique things of their own. A behavior that is common to them all, is trying not to make it obvious that they are anything more than just a larger-than-normal serval. Many of them pretend to be the animal companion of druids or elves; typically as cover. Some are less secretive and act as any normal subject or citizen might in their respective land. Another feature they all share is, doing their best not to blow the cover of other zhìbào in the area.

In professional pursuits, zhìbào take to work where subtlety is a virtue. Many find work as spies, assassins, investigators, or an acquisition specialist. More often then not, a zhìbào uses their cat-form for the work, and their human-like form for communication and negotiating the work itself. They'll do their best to not make any connection between the two forms, preferably never being seen transforming. With such a unique set of abilities zhìbào often end up enjoying contracts from powerful and wealthy clients.

Height and Weight Info

Height (Cat form): 2'2" + 2d6 inches (At the shoulder)
Height (Human-like form): 4'6" + 3d6 inches
Weight (The same between both forms): 72 + (Human-like form height roll x 5)

Creation Information

Size: Medium
Attribute Modifications: +2 Dexterity and -2 Constitution.
Speed: 40 ft.
Special: Form-Swap, Versatile, and Scent