Transmutation Spells
Transmutation spells are the kind of spells where attributes of a creature, object, or energy is changed, added to, or unmade. A spell where normal sand is turned into glassy spikes would be a transmutation spell. Another spell might disassociate all of a creature's atoms.
Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 5 cu. ft. of food and/or water.
Rolling Stone: Thrown stones deal 1d6 per 2 CL of bludgeoning damage as a ranged attack.
Level 1
Align Weapon: Make your weapon damage holy/unholy.
Control rope or chain: Makes ropes or chains move and perform simple actions.
Enhance Weapon: Imbue your weapon with at least +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage for a time.
Hustle: Gain 30 ft. of ground movement for a time.
Mend: Repair at least 1d6 HP to objects.
Slow Fall: Subjects drop slowly for a time.
Tough Hide: Creature touched gains at least +1 natural armor enhancement for a time.
Level 2
Breathweave Veil: Use breath to create energy resistance for allies in 30 ft. radius.
Hawk Claws: Gain 2 Natural Attacks with high slashing damage, for a time.
Bolster, Charisma: Gain at least a +2 enhancement bonus to charisma, for a time.
Bolster, Constitution: Gain at least a +2 enhancement bonus to constitution, for a time.
Bolster, Dexterity: Gain at least a +2 enhancement bonus to dexterity, for a time.
Bolster, Intelligence: Gain at least a +2 enhancement bonus to intelligence, for a time.
Bolster, Strength: Gain at least a +2 enhancement bonus to strength, for a time.
Bolster, Wisdom: Gain at least a +2 enhancement bonus to wisdom, for a time.
Level 3
Breathweave Missile: Modify breath weapon to act like a missile spell, gain benefits of spell proficiency.
Cure Disease: Remove a disease that is afflicting a creature.
Enlarge Monster: Make a touched creature larger, they gain combat bonuses as well as some penalties.
Haste: Gain an extra attack, movement bonuses, as well as minor AC and Attack bonuses, for a time.
Natural Weapon Enhancement: Give enhancement bonus to a creature's natural weapons for a time.
Reduce Monster: Make a touched creature smaller, they gain some bonuses and penalties.
Level 4
Breathweave Barrier: Use breath-weapon to create a wall of energy, gain benefits of spell proficiency.
Level 5
Level 6
Mass Martial Reversal: Subjects have a 50% chance for their weapons to strike themselves rather than their opponents.