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Thaumaturgy Spells

The forces of positive and negative energy is where the school of Thaumaturgy falls. Negative spells, sometimes called necromancy, draw life away from things. Positive spells, sometimes called vivimancy, push life into things. Balance can also be applied where life is pulled from one thing and given directly to another.


Disrupt Undead: Deal 1d6 per 2 CL to undead in 15 ft radius, harmless to living.
Harm: Deal 1d4 per 2 CL negative damage with a touch attack, heals undead.
Tend: Heals target when used, see text as situation affects the outcome.
Touch of Fatigue: Touch fatigues target for 1 round per CL.

Level 1

Close Wound: Heal wounds to prevent long term injuries.
Harming Touch: Melee Touch deals 1d8 + 1d8 per HD negative damage to foe.
Healing Touch: Heal touched ally for 1d8 + 1d8 per CL. No disease chance.
Soul Bolster: Gain Temporary health based on CL and PMA. Also gain immunity to fear.
Soul Burn: Deal damage to foe based on CL and PMA. Also fear opponent.
Renew: Cure fatigue, reduce exhaustion, recover 1d4 hp per round in an area.
Vivum Pulse: Lightning fast spell heals allies in sight and gives a minor fortitude bonus for a round.

Level 2

Alleviate, minor: Restore 4 attribute damage to a single attribute.
Blindness: Subjects that fail their saves become permanently blind.
Remove Blindness: Subject's sight is restored.
Thaumic Pulse: Subject at range is hit with at least 1d10 positive or negative energy.

Level 3

Heal Injury: Remove most injuries with a touch spell.
Healing Ray: Heal targets at a range for at least 2d8 positive energy.
Wounding Ray: Damage targets at a range with at least 2d8 negative energy.
Siphon Shield: Use another creature's HP to ward yourself against damage.
Siphon Tether: Create a link that pulls HP from one target, and gives it to another.

Level 4

Blood Circle: Create an area where wounded enemies take more damage, and allies are healed; for a sacrifice.
Healing Burst: Heal allies in 20 ft. radius around yourself for at least 1d8 health.

Level 5

Thaumic Chain Bolt: Deal at least 1d10 positive or negative damage to selected targets in an area.

Level 6

Vivum Torrent: Very swift healing spell heals for at least 1d6 positive energy and gives minor luck bonus to fortitude.

Level 7

Vivify: Revive a very recently deceased person to half hp.

Level 8

White Flame: Persistent buff provides large health bonus to target, and doubles damage against undead for said target.

Level 9