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Evocation Spells

The school of the war mage. A flash of fire, a spear of ice, a bolt of lighting from the finger tips. Anything that is a flash of power, burst of light, or typically very temporary is an evocation. Most evocation spells require the targeted creature(s) to make a save rather than the caster make an attack roll.


Energy Bolt: Selected energy type deals 1d4 and +1d4 per 2 CL (Max 5d4) damage.
Light: Make a touched object glow like a torch for 1 hour per CL.

Advanced Simplex

Energy Strike: Melee touch attacks deal 1d4 + 1d4 per 2 HD energy damage per hit.
Greater Missile Strike: Fire a large magic missile at a single target dealing 1d6 per 2 CL damage Max 5d6; gain a second missile at 15th level.

Level 1

Darkness: Make area around yourself dark; impenetrable by most light sources.
Energy Spray: 15 ft. cone of at least 1d4 energy damage.
Flash Bang: 15 ft. radius temporary stun and blind.
Fox Fire: Fills an area with glowing mushroom spores that reduces their AC and reveals hidden foes.
Lesser Magic Missile: Fire unerring missiles at your foe.
Palm Burst: Melee touch for at least 1d10 energy damage.
Sonic Lance: Deals at least 1d6 sonic damage, temporarily deafens, does extra damage to materials.

Level 2

Energy Imbuement: Swiftly apply energy damage to a weapon, for a short time.
Mote: Concentration spell; Deal at least 1d6 energy damage a round for several rounds.
Torrent: Water wave shoves foes, sometimes deals damage, in an area.

Level 3

Energy Burst: Deal at least 1d6 point of a selected energy damage in an area.
Energy Line: Deal at least 1d6 points of a selected energy damage to all subjects in a line.
Moderate Magic Missile: Unerring missile swarm deals 1d6 force damage per missile, divided evenly among visible targets in range.
Water Jet: Sweeping beam of water deals at least 1d6 slashing damage in area.

Level 4

Energy Cloak: Deal retaliation damage with selected energy type. Take half damage from selected type.

Level 5

Energy Chain: Deal at least 1d10 energy damage to selected targets in an area.

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9