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Divination Spells

Divination spells are about sight and information. Whether it is seeing at a distance, getting a sense of potential futures, or having a conversation at a distance, it's probably divination.


Detect Magic: Detect magical auras and if a thing is magical by focusing on it.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Far Whisper: Whisper a short conversation at a distance.
Know Direction: You the cardinal directions.

Level 1

Combat Foresight: Gain at least +1 insight bonus to attack and reflex saves.
Detect Traps: Gain a sixth sense for where traps are, +10 to investigate when involving traps, can find magical traps.
Discern Location: With the use of a map, place a magical marker at your current location, it moves with you, for a time.
Eagle Eyes: Gain at least +2 competency bonus to spot and investigate checks for a time. Also gain temporary range bonus to ranged weapons.
Identify: Divine the magical properties of all objects in an area.
Sharp Sense: Gain insight on foes's relative well being and strength.

Level 2

Night Sight: Gain dark vision out to 60 ft. for a time.
Scan: Learn important information about a target.

Level 3

Invisibility Purge: In a small area, disable any invisibility.

Level 4

Scry: Use a focus to obtain all the sense of another creature.
Spying Eye: Invisible floating eye expands caster's vision.

Level 5

Sky Eyes: Create a small swarm of eyes to gather intelligence.

Level 6

Pure Vision: Gain immunity to all illusions, ignore any kind of concealing effect; for a time.

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9