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Conjuration Spells

Conjuration spells pull a creature, energy, or physical thing to your location for use. These spells are similar to evocation spells, but typically require attack rolls instead of saves.


Create Water: Create 2 gallons of water per CL.
Free Hand: Invisible hand that can move up to 5 lb of objects, trigger traps, etc... lasts up to 1 minute +1 minute per 2 CL.

Level 1

Conjure Tool: Conjure a temporary mundane tool for a time.
Lesser Orb of Energy: Throw a ball of energy at your foe for at least 1d8 energy damage.
Summon Inferenity Mk. 1: Summon a chosen Inferenity for a time.

Level 2

Floral Artillery: Create plants that used ranged weaponry on nearby targets.
Tagging Hand: Create a floating hand to deliver touch spells for a brief time.
Summon Inferenity Mk. 2: Summon a chosen Inferenity for a time.

Level 3

Remove Poison: Remove poison from a target.

Level 4

Orb of Energy: Ranged touch attack deals at least 1d6 damage of selected energy type. Not subject to spell resistance.

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Chaos Orb: Orb does large amount of mixed damage types.

Level 8

Level 9