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Abjuration Spells

Abjuration spells are spells that prevent incoming damage or effects, cancel out or prevent the use of magic, or act in anyway as general defense. Some of them punish casters for using magic, others might reflect damage back at a melee attacker. Below is a compiled list that will show all abjuration spells by level, not just arcane ones.


Resistance: +1 resistance bonus to all saves and +1 per 4 CL.
Virtue: Subject gains 2 hp of regenerative warding per HD.

Advanced Simplex

Greater Magic Shield: As the shield spell but with a +6 to AC.

Level 1

Arcane Armor: Gain at least +1 armor enhancement bonus for a time.
Minor Energy Warding: Gain small amount of specific energy resistance for a short time.
Invisibility Retort: See most nearby invisible creatures.
Shield: Gain +4 Shield Enhancement bonus and some force resistance for a period of time.

Level 2

Bronze Skin: Touched creature gains 6/- damage reduction for a time.
Consecration: Create an area that weakens undead and demons, strengthens mortals and angels.
Counterspell: Cancel out an enemy spell caster's spell.
Desecration: Create and area that weakens mortals and angels, strengthens undead and demons.
Energy Flux: Immediate action that redirects some energy damage safely away from you.
Secure: Use magic to secure a door or container.
Signal Scramble, Lesser: Obscure non-living things from scrying.
Invisibility Retort: Reveal most invisible creatures within a radius around the caster.

Level 3

Break Curse: Breaks a non-item related curse on subject.
Hand's Off!!: Throw a single flanking foe back, gain attack of opportunity against them.

Level 4

Minor Universal Energy Warding: Gain a small amount of broad energy resistance for a short time.
Steel Skin: Gain 15/- damage reduction for a short time.

Level 5

Adamant Barrier: Apply a powerful ward to a touched creature.
Disarcana Corpum: Turn user's magic effects against them.
Missile Bulwark: Protection from all missile spells and ranged weaponry.

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9