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The Valorous

The Valorous

To the valorous the best defense is a powerful offense, and heavy armor. Weapon mastery and direct combat are the primary method of conflict resolve in general. Many noble swordsman, guards, soldiers, pit fighters, and other martial careers will commonly follow a path similar to the valorous. These kinds of peoples are not to be mistaken for mindless brutes, often times they are quite sharp witted and intelligent.

Basic Detail

HD Type: d12
Bonus HP Per HD: +6
Attack Curve: High
Magical Prowess: Non-Magical
Sub-Type: Combat Focused
Skill Growth: 2 + Intelligence Modifier (4x as much at first level)
Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Balance, Discern Intent, Profession (Animal Tamer), Gather Information, Listen, Ride, Spot, Swim, and Use Rope.
Known Skills: 6 + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon Proficiency: A Weapon Group of choice Armor Proficiency: Light, heavy, and shields; except tower shields.
Saves: 1 High and 2 Low.
Primary Mental Attribute(PMA): Intelligence

Suggested Attribute Distribution: Str 18, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 14


HD Perk Base Attack High Save Low Save
1 Melee CombatantD, Weapon FixationF, Offensive Weapon TrainingF, and Lesser ValourA. +1 +2 +0
2 Weapon Defensive TrainingF +2 +3 +0
3 Weapon Group FixationF +3 +3 +1
4 Weapon Group OffensiveF +4 +4 +1
5 Ward +2D +5 +4 +1
6 Improved Weapon FixationF and Improved Weapon OffensiveF +6/+1 +5 +2
7 - +7/+2 +5 +2
8 Improved Weapon Group FixationF and Ward +3 +8/+3 +6 +2
9 Improved Weapon Group OffensiveF +9/+4 +6 +3
10 Weapon MasteryF, AthleteD +3, and Improved ValourA +10/+5 +7 +3
11 - +11/+6/+1 +7 +3
12 Critical FocusF, Rending CriticalF, Athlete +4, and Ward +4 +12/+7/+2 +8 +4
13 - +13/+8/+3 +8 +4
14 Deadly AccuracyF +14/+9/+4 +9 +4
15 Weapon GrandmasterF and SpeedyD +20 ft. +15/+10/+5 +9 +5
16 AlertF, Athlete +5, and Ward +5 +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5
17 - +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5
18 Strong ConstitutionF and IndomitableF +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6
19 - +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6
20 DefiantD, Greater ValourA, Disciplined MindF, Athlete +6, and Ward +6 +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +5

F Feat, A Ability, and D Definition

The Breakdown

Melee Combatant: This is the primary definition, and it increases the damage dice category of all the weapons within it. The group selected for proficiency and bonus here will be the one that applies to all the Weapon Group perks.

Weapon Fixation: This will apply a +1 training bonus on rolls to hit with a selected weapon from within your weapon group. Once selected, this weapon will be the focus of all the single weapon targeted feats in the future.

Offensive Weapon Training: This will apply a +2 training bonus on all damage rolls made with the weapon selected with Weapon Fixation.

Lesser Valour: See Lesser Valour for information. This ability gives the valorous bonuses and survivability for being in combat.

Weapon Defensive Training: The weapon selected for Weapon Fixation will now provide a +1 parry bonus when wielded.

Weapon Group Fixation: This provides a +1 training bonus to hit on all weapons within the weapon group; it does not stack with the weapon selected for weapon fixation.

Weapon Group Offensive: This provides a +2 training bonus to damage on all weapons within the weapon group; it does not stack with the weapon selected for weapon fixation.

Ward: The valorous is vigilant and suffers no ill effects during a surprise round. They gain a scaling competency bonus to Listen and Spot equal to the listed value.

Improved Weapon Fixation: The weapon chosen for weapon fixation will now have a +2 training bonus on rolls to hit.

Improved Weapon Offensive: The weapon chosen for weapon fixation will now have a +4 training bonus on damage rolls.

Improved Weapon Group Fixation: All weapons within the weapon group will now have a +2 training bonus on rolls to Hit. The weapon selected for Weapon Fixation will now have a +3 training bonus to hit.

Improved Weapon Group Offensive: All weapons within the weapon group will now have a +4 training bonus to damage rolls. The weapon selected for weapon fixation will now have a +6 training bonus to damage.

Weapon Mastery: The weapon selected for weapon fixation will now have a +4 training bonus to hit, a +8 training bonus to damage, and a +2 parry bonus to AC while wielded.

Athlete: The valorous can now run at 5x speed in medium or light armor, and 4x speed in heavy armor. They gain a scaling competency bonus to Acrobatics and Swim equal to the listed value.

Improved Valour: See Improved Valour for information. This is an improvement to Lesser Valour.

Critical Focus: Gain a +5 circumstantial bonus when confirming critical hits with your weapon selected for weapon fixation.

Rending Critical: Gain +1d10 damage with a x2 weapon, +2d10 damage with a x3 weapon, and +3d10 damage with a x4 when rolling damage on a critical hit with your weapon selected for weapon fixation.

Deadly Accuracy: Double the critical threat range of your weapon selected for Rending critical. E.g. from 20 to 19-20, from 19-20 to 17-20, or from 18-20 to 15-20.

Weapon Grandmaster: Gain the following bonuses to the weapon selected for weapon fixation. Choose an attack that isn't your first attack and apply a permanent +5 circumstance bonus to hit. This is typically best on the 3rd attack. This weapon can be used normally in any kind of grapple, though not a pin. It is no longer possible to be disarmed of this weapons except by another character with this feat.

Speedy: Increase your base movement speeds by 20 ft.

Alert: Gain a +3 inherant bonus to Listen, Spot, and Initiative.

Strong Constitution: Gain 2 HP per HD, this applies retroactively.

Indomitable: Gain a +2 innate bonus to Will saves.

Greater Valour: see Greater Valour for information. This is an improvement to Improved Valour.

Disciplined Mind: Re-roll a failed will save against a compulsion effect.

Defiant: The valorous is considered 1 category size larger for purposes of resisting Shove and Trample attempts. They also gain a +4 inherent bonus to Will saves.