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The Tactician

The Tactician

Better in squadrons, battle formations, and groups The Tactician enhances their own capabilities, or the capabilities of others while diminishing the capabilities of their foes. Not a slouch in martial combat, they do lack much of the raw capabilities of other martial fighters. They are often seen leading groups and others to greatness, often being forgotten at the end of the day.

Basic Detail

HD Type: d8
Bonus HP Per HD: 6 per HD
Attack Curve: High
Magical Prowess: None
Sub-Type: Specialist
Skill Growth: 6 + Int mod (x4 at first level)
Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Balance, Beguile, Bushcraft, Discern Intent, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Intimidate, Investigate, All Knowledge skills, Listen, Ride, Spot, and Move Silently.
Known Skills: 10 + Int Mod
Weapon Proficiency: A Weapon Group of choice
Armor Proficiency: Light, medium, heavy, and shields (except tower shields)
Saves: 1 High and 2 Low
Primary Mental Attribute(PMA): Charisma

Suggested Attribute Distribution: Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 16


HD Perk Base Attack High Save Low Save
1 Natural LeaderD, Inspiration +1, On My MarkA, Key InsightA, and Weapon FixationF +1 +2 +0
2 Ally ShieldingA +2 +3 +0
3 Weapon Defensive TrainingF +3 +3 +1
4 Lesser AuraA +4 +4 +1
5 Eidetic MemoryD +5 +4 +1
6 ThuribleA, Offensive Weapon TrainingF, and Inspiration +2 +6/+1 +5 +2
7 - +7/+2 +5 +2
8 Improved AuraA +8/+3 +6 +2
9 Improved Weapon FixationF +9/+4 +6 +3
10 Gravity OppressionA, Tincture of VigorA, and SeerD +10/+5 +7 +3
11 - +11/+6/+1 +7 +3
12 Greater AuraA, Improved Offensive Weapon TrainingF, Inspiration +3 +12/+7/+2 +8 +4
13 - +13/+8/+3 +8 +4
14 Lucky IncenseA +14/+9/+4 +9 +4
15 Weapon MasteryF and Knowledge Hungry +4D +15/+10/+5 +9 +5
16 Improved Gravity OppressionA and Knowledge Hungry +5 +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5
17 - +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5
18 Inspire PerfectionA, Battle ProwessF, and Inspiration +4 +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6
19 - +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6
20 Greater Gravity OppressionA, Natural Magic(Sky Eyes)A,
Master of NoneD, and Knowledge Hungry +5
+20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6

F Feat, A Ability, and D Definition

The Breakdown

The Tactician must have Perform (Commands) or any other kind of oratory perform or the primary definition will have to change. It is also strongly suggested they have Knowledge (Tactics) as well, to augment Key Insight as much as possible.

Natural Leader: Your character will gain Inspiration a number of times per day equal to their HD. This inspiration is a standard action and can be maintained through any action that doesn't prevent speech. It grants a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage. Once the maintained oral perform ends, the inspiration lasts for another 5 rounds. The inspiration bonus grows every 6 HD.

On My Mark: Gain the ability On My Mark.

Key Insight: Gain the ability Key Insight.

Weapon Fixation: This will apply a +1 training bonus on rolls to hit with a selected weapon from within your weapon group. Once selected, this weapon will be the focus of all the single weapon targeted feats in the future.

Ally Shielding: Gain the ability Ally Shielding.

Weapon Defensive Training: The weapon selected for Weapon Fixation will now provide a +1 parry bonus when wielded.

Lesser Aura: Gain the ability Lesser Aura.

Eidetic Memory: Your character can take a 10 on any knowledge skill they are trained in. They will also know immediately if something obvious is different in a place.

Thurible: Gain the ability Thurible.

Offensive Weapon Training: This will apply a +2 training bonus on all damage rolls made with the weapon selected with Weapon Fixation.

Improved Aura: Upgrade Lesser aura to Improved Aura.

Improved Weapon Fixation: The weapon chosen for weapon fixation will now have a +2 training bonus on rolls to hit.

Gravity Oppression: Gain the ability Gravity Oppression.

Tincture of Vigor: Gain the ability Tincture of Vigor.

Seer: Gain the ability to use Scry as a supernatural ability once per day per 5 HD. This version of scry requires no spell focus. Standard modifiers apply to knowledge and connection of target. The scry attempt has a base DC of 10 + 1/2 HD + PMA. See the Scry entry for details.

Greater Aura: Upgrade Improved Aura to Greater Aura.

Improved Offensive Weapon Training: The weapon chosen for weapon fixation will now have a +4 training bonus on damage rolls.

Tincture of Gumption: Gain the ability Tincture of Gumption.

Weapon Master: The weapon selected for weapon fixation will now have a +4 training bonus to hit, a +8 training bonus to damage, and a +2 parry bonus to AC while wielded.

Knowledge Hungry: Gain the General Knowledge abilitiy as well as gaining a scaling competency bonus to two knowledge skills of your choice equal to the listed value.

Improved Gravity Suppression: Upgrade Gravity Oppression to ability Improved Gravity Oppression.

Inspire Perfection: Gain the ability Inspire Perfection.

Battle Prowess: This feat gives your character gains a number of Attacks of Opportunity in a round equal to their dex mod.

Greater Gravity Oppression: Upgrade Improved Gravity Oppression to ability Greater Gravity Oppression.

Natural Magic (Sky Eyes): Gain the spell Sky Eyes as a super natural ability. Your characters HD will equal the caster level.

Master of None: All skills that are 2 or more points away from the skill point cap gain +1 skill points. Skills that are 3 or more away from the skill point cap gain +2 skill points. Lastly skills that are 4 points away all the skills will gain +3 skill points.