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The Acrobat

The Acrobat

A short description of the build and where they might be common.

Basic Detail

HD Type: d8
Bonus HP Per HD: 6
Attack Curve: Medium
Magical Prowess: Non-Magical
Sub-Type: Generalist
Skill Growth: 6 + Intelligence Modifier (x4 at first level)
Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Balance, Conceal, Craft, Discern Intent, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Haggle, Investigate, Knowledge (Common), Listen, Lock Picking, Move Silently, Perform (Dance), Sleight of Hand, Spot, Sabotage Device, Swim, and Use Rope.
Known Skills: 10 + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon Proficiency: 2 Weapons of choice.
Armor Proficiency: None and shields (except tower shields.)
Saves: 2 High, 1 Low.
Primary Mental Attribute(PMA): Wisdom

Suggested Attribute Distribution: Str 16, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16 , Cha 12


HD Perk Base Attack High Save Low Save
1 AcrobatD, Grace (3 points)A, RiposteA, and Weapon Fixation F +0 +2 +0
2 Improved Defensive FightingF +1 +3 +0
3 Grace (4 points) and Weapon OffensiveF +2 +3 +1
4 Twin TalonA +3 +4 +1
5 Nimble +2D +3 +4 +1
6 Grace (5 points), Weapon DefensiveF and Improved TripF +4 +5 +2
7 - +5 +5 +2
8 Nimble +3, Leaping AssaultA +6/+1 +6 +2
9 Grace (6 points) and Improved Weapon FixationF +6/+1 +6 +3
10 HamstringA, Improved Weapon OffensiveF, Unarmored DirgeD +7/+2 +7 +3
11 - +8/+3 +7 +3
12 Deadly AssaultA, Grace (7 points), Nimble +4, Weapon MasteryF +9/+4 +8 +4
13 - +9/+4 +8 +4
14 UntouchableF +10/+5 +9 +4
15 Grace (8 points), Quick FeetF, and Speedy (+20 ft.) +11/+6/+1 +9 +5
16 Nimble +5 And Sliding ScourgeA +12/+7/+2 +10 +5
17 - +12/+7/+2 +10 +5
18 Deadly AccuracyF, Grace (9 points), and Rending CriticalF +13/+8/+3 +11 +6
19 - +14/+9/+4 +11 +6
20 Flip TrickA, Nimble +6, Tincture of VigorA +15/+10/+5 +12 +6

F Feat, A Ability, and D Definition

Acrobat: While not wearing armor, shields (except tower) excluded, the Acrobat gains immunity from being flanked by any creature less than 6 HD higher than it. The acrobat is never considered flat-footed unless pinned. If fighting defensively, the acrobat only takes a -2 penalty to all attacks in a round instead of a -4 penalty.

Weapon Fixation: This will apply a +1 training bonus on rolls to hit with a selected weapon.

Grace (3 Points): Gain the ability Grace.

Riposte: Gain the ability Riposte

Improved Defensive Fighting: As a free action take a penalty to attack, from -1 to -5, and gain an equivalent amount as dodge bonus to AC for the round. The acrobat specifically gets 2 Dodge bonus to AC for every -1 penalty to attack with a limit of -3 penalty for a +6 dodge bonus to AC.

Weapon Offensive: This will apply a +2 training bonus on all damage rolls made with the weapon selected with Weapon Fixation.

Twin Talon: Gain the ability Twin Talon.

Nimble: The acrobat will gain a scaling bonus to acrobatics and balance. Dodge bonuses from defensive fighting are increased by +1.

Weapon Defensive Training: The weapon selected for Weapon Fixation will now provide a +1 parry bonus when wielded.

Improved Trip: Attempting a trip attempt no longer provokes an attack of opportunity. Gain a +4 bonus on the opposed strength checks on trip attempts. If successful in tripping gain an attack against the opponent as if an attack action had not been used on the trip attempt.

Leaping Assault: Gain the ability Leaping Assault.

Improved Weapon Fixation: The weapon chosen for weapon fixation will now have a +2 training bonus on rolls to hit.

Hamstring: Gain the ability Hamstring.

Improved Weapon Offensive: The weapon chosen for weapon fixation will now have a +4 training bonus on damage rolls.

Unarmored Dirge: While not wearing armor, shields excluded (except tower shields), gain Wisdom modifier to AC as an insight bonus.

Deadly Assault: Gain the ability Deadly Assault.

Weapon Mastery: The weapon selected for weapon fixation will now have a +4 training bonus to hit, a +8 training bonus to damage, and a +2 parry bonus to AC while wielded.

Untouchable: Gain a +2 innate bonus to reflex saves.

Quick Feet: On any effect that is "Reflex for half" take no damage instead of half damage on a successful save.

Speedy Increase all movement speeds by +20 ft.

Sliding Scourge: Gain the ability Sliding Scourge.

Deadly Accuracy: Double the critical threat range of your weapon selected for Rending critical. E.g. from 20 to 19-20, from 19-20 to 17-20, or from 18-20 to 15-20.

Rending Critical: Gain +1d10 damage with a x2 weapon, +2d10 damage with a x3 weapon, and +3d10 damage with a x4 when rolling damage on a critical hit with your weapon selected for weapon fixation.

Flip Trick: Gain the ability Flip Trick.

Tincture of Vigor: Gain the ability Tincture of Vigor.