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Twin Talon (Ex)

Prerequisite: Proficiency with weapon and Grace
Use: 1 grace point
Action: Standard Action
Target: Single Target
Duration: Instantaneous

Attack twice at your highest bonus with a -2 penalty. If either attacks hit and deal damage the target must make a fortitude save against their wound DC with a -2 penalty, if both hit and deal damage then the user will receive the more severe version of the wound. On a failed save the target will receive a deep gash if slashing or piercing damage is done; broken bone for bludgeoning damage. If the target successfully saved they are stifled for 1 round. This action can be done as part of a charge with the +2 bonuses to attack and damage, and the -2 to AC until the beginning of your character's next turn.

Note: This ability cannot be used if your character is flat-footed, held, or immobilized by any means. Only one grace point can be used per round.

VTT Macro Description (Set X and Y to appropriate bonuses):
@{character_name} Attacks Twice for:

[[1d20+@{bab}-2+X[Feat/other Bonuses]+Y[Enhancement]+[[{@{strmod},@{dexmod}}k1]][Key Attribute]+(0?{Do you have any miscellaneous bonuses?|0})]] to hit

[[1d20+@{bab}-2+X[Feat/other Bonuses]+Y[Enhancement]+[[{@{strmod},@{dexmod}}k1+]][Key Attribute]+(0?{Do you have any miscellaneous bonuses?|0})]] to hit

If one of these attacks deal damage they gain the standard form of [*deep gash*]( if using slashing or piercing weapons, or [*broken bone*]( if bludgeoning. If both attacks deal damage, upgrade these to the more severe affliction.