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Shadow Fade (Su)

Prerequisite: None
Use: 1 Shadow point
Action: Standard
Target: Self
Duration: 1/2 HD + PMA mod rounds [[floor(@{hd}/2)+@{pma}]]
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
DC: PMA Based [[10+floor(@{hd}/2)+@{PMA}+@{SpellProf}]]
Special: Gain 3 Shadow points + 1 shadow point per 4 HD

When used your character fades into the floor and becomes a shadow. In this form your character cannot swim, fly, climb, or burrow. They move at twice their standard movement speed. While hidden they are immune to area effect spells, though targeted spells can still work if the caster can see your character. The spot DC is equal to 10 + HD + Dexterity mod. The next round, or any round through the duration, your character can reappear and attack. If the attack deals any damage the subject must make a fortitude sav or take 4 strength damage and be stunned for 1 round. Two shadow points can be spent to make the first attack after reappearing also deal 4 dexterity damage and add 1 more round to the stun.

VTT Description Macro:
@{character_name} melts into the floor and appears as a shadow. While in this state they cannot swim, climb, fly, or burrow. They move at twice their ground speed and immune to indirect area affects. A spot DC of [[10+@{hd}+@{dexmod}]] is needed to see the user. On the next, or any subsequent rounds in the duation, as a free action a character can reappear and attack. If this attack deals damage the subject must make a Fortitude save or take 4 strenth damage and be [*stunned*]( for 1 round.

Special: Two shadow points can be spent to make the first attack after reappearing also deal 4 dexterity damage and add 1 more round to the stun.