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Étude (Su) [Song]

Prerequisite: Perform (Any Music) 4 Ranks
Use: 1 + 1 per 10 HD
Range: 40 ft. radius around performer
Action: Standard
Target: 1 ally + 1 per 7 HD
Duration: Concentration; Up to 1 round per HD if maintained Concentration; up to @{hd} rounds

Each round, the performer must make a Performance check with a DC of 16 + HD. On a successful check, affected allies gain a bonus of 1d10 sonic damage per 3 HD (Minimum 1) on the first spell or attack they successfully make that deals damage within that round.

For each consecutive successful check, the performer and each affected ally gain an accumulating +1 morale bonus. This morale bonus can be added, once, to any single roll of the ally's choice before the roll result is revealed. Once this bonus is used by a target, it no longer accumulates for them.

While maintaining Étude, the performer cannot take any action that requires somatic or verbal components but may take other actions as long as they do not disrupt the performance.

VTT Description Macro:
@{character_name} rolls a performance against DC [[16+@{hd}]] every round *Étude* is performed. On success, all selected allies within range gain an bonus [[{floor(@{hd}/3),1}k1]]**d10+**[[[[{floor(@{hd}/3),1}k1]]*@{SpellProf}]] sonic damage on the first attack or spell they successfully make that deals damage in the round.

For each consecutive successful check, the performer and each affected ally gain an accumulating +1 morale bonus. This morale bonus can be added, once, to any single roll of the ally's choosing, prior to the results being revealed. Once this bonus is used by a target, it no longer accumulates for them.

While maintaining *Étude*, the performer cannot take any action that requires somatic of verbal components, but may take other actions so long as they do not disrupt the performance.